Example sentences of "as [adv] as [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My name 's Erskine Morris , ’ said the man , vanishing the cigarettes as deftly as he had produced them , and continuing to write as he spoke .
2 Bottom-placed Barrow came from 14-0 down after 10 minutes to level 24-24 at Bradford but finished as badly as they had started , leaking a further 12 points in the final 14 minutes .
3 All in all it was not turning out as badly as he had feared .
4 And she knew … she just knew he 'd wanted her , as badly as she 'd wanted him .
5 ‘ Perhaps not as badly as you wished to go , ’ he interrupted harshly .
6 Nobody intervened , although there were many people walking in the street , and when the two men had finished what they had obviously planned to do , they left as unhurriedly as they had come .
7 All the same , the theme is still national honour and personal loyalty , the lessons which Dick teaches to Anastasia as successfully as he had taught them to the weak but responsive Carol .
8 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
9 She stood back and watched him approach the three headstones , saw him touch them as gently as she had known he would .
10 When human life could be expected to last two or three times as long as it had done in the Middle Ages , great changes were bound to occur in the way men thought about themselves .
11 He said the atmosphere at each gathering had been one of calm , loving concern , and this would continue for as long as it took to get the children home .
12 ‘ Again , I lived with Mike for as long as it took to get the divorce and then I arranged the wedding .
13 I shall refer briefly to one of the matters touched on by the hon. Gentleman , although I shall not speak on it for as long as I had intended , because the hon. Gentleman made wide-ranging reference to it himself , I congratulate him on that .
14 Bad industrial relations had been the curse of the country for as long as I had taken any interest in politics ; although the reform of trade union law was essential , further steps were also needed .
15 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
16 Luckily Tim Dunton had been very understanding , telling her not to worry and to take as long as she needed to sort matters out .
17 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
18 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
19 And yet , as carelessly as he had discarded this coat , he had deliberately destroyed her hopes and her dreams .
20 And then , just as suddenly as they 'd started , they stopped .
21 As suddenly as they had begun , the two men disengaged , as though some unspoken signal had passed between them , and resumed their wary circling .
22 Then , just as suddenly as they had grabbed at his throat , the hands released his windpipe and the weight lifted off him .
23 And then , as suddenly as they had appeared , they vanished .
24 Her tears dried as suddenly as they had appeared .
25 They were gone as suddenly as they had come .
26 Then , one morning , just as suddenly as she had taken leave of absence , she was back .
27 Karl stopped laughing as suddenly as he had begun , his face grave and concerned and kindly .
28 Then , just as suddenly as he had appeared , the man turned and ran off .
29 Then , just as suddenly as he had stopped , the male was off again , perking up his feathers and hopping after his mate with a meaningful glint in his beady eyes .
30 He snapped it in two — gave me a leer — and was gone , as suddenly as he had arrived .
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