Example sentences of "made by [art] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Please note that , whilst the above are not actual statements made by a serious accident victim , they have been selected because we believe they give a fair representation of the kind of problems which may occur after an accident .
2 In a majority of cases no tender was made by a private sector firm but the potential threat was enough to cause council leaders to reduce staff or rewrite employees ' terms of service ( The Price of Winning 1989 ) .
3 He guides us among its ‘ toy-like villas , each different in design and each set against a background of trees A curling road winds through , but not everything is revealed at once : a chimney for but a moment here , a turret window through a gap between two acacia trees , a gable partly concealed by the fretted roof of a conservatory , an almond tree in blossom branching over the pavement , a spot of scarlet colour made by a distant pillar box . ’
4 THE well-publicised exploits of Duncan Shearer , Eoin Jess , Mixu Paatelainen , Scott Booth and others in compiling a total of 71 Premier Division goals for Aberdeen to date this season have tended to mask the contribution made by a miserly Pittodrie defence .
5 In one of the most outspoken statements ever made by a Metropolitan Police officer of his rank , he says : ‘ The council has been ensuring that as many cases as possible are referred to the SMG , a pernicious organisation spewing out lies and propaganda in pursuance of their own ideological aims .
6 The explosions usually sound more like thumps and whooshes than proper bangs , and there are sometimes sustained blasts like the din made by a powerful jet engine at close quarters .
7 He said : ‘ While recognising that the allegations are made by a self-confessed IRA terrorist , they are nonetheless of such a serious nature that they demand full investigation . ’
8 As well as the waterway , Healings own a fleet of road tankers for grain transport , and the location of motorway junctions , built in the 1970s and 1980s near Tewkesbury , has also been of great advantage a far cry from the early years of the century , when deliveries were made by a 12 mph Foden lorry .
9 In 1830 a search was made by a British Government expedition , but nothing was found .
10 Were your boats made by a local boat builder ?
11 AN IMPASSIONED appeal for Labour to back electoral reform was made by a leading Shadow Cabinet member yesterday after the national executive decided overwhelmingly to oppose a proportional representation motion .
12 My all-time favourite remark was made by a visiting Chesterfield supporter who watched silently as his team prepared to take a penalty in the dying seconds of a game at Barnsley which would have given them the draw .
13 The implementation of any future programme was also delayed by the slow progress made by a seven-member support group of donor countries in providing the US$180,000,000 " bridging loan " required to pay off Guyana 's arrears to the IMF and other institutions , a necessary precondition to the resumption of lending by the IMF .
14 THE Dutch government called in the papal envoy in the Hague yesterday to protest at remarks made by a senior Vatican official comparing a new Dutch euthanasia law to mass killings by Nazi Germany .
15 Both videos are situations comedies made by a top television light entertainment director and an experienced cast of comedy actors .
16 The recommendation made by an external evaluation team to one of BRAC 's main sponsors to continue funding the programme was also an encouraging sign .
17 Criticisms made by an independent evaluation team in their interim report included : 1 The failure to carry out any organisational audit before implementing TQM to establish quality benchmarks .
18 The following year there was a visit to the Edison works at West Orange , where the delegates saw prerecorded cylinders made by an experimental moulding process .
19 But on the whole , the only video nasties in our house are accidental recordings of English cricket tours , made by an ill-programmed video machine in the silent watches of the night .
20 The announcement of the discovery was made by the Atomic Energy Commission in Washington and the same day , 28 December , the scientists gave a public presentation to their professional colleagues at the American Physical Society ( APS ) meeting in Monterey California .
21 A similar point was made by the eminent US naturalist Stephen Jay Gould in his introduction to Bjørn Kurtén 's fascinating novel Dance of the Tiger ( 1980 ) , whose focus is the hypothetical extermination of Neanderthals by Cro-Magnons , about 35,000 years ago .
22 This part of the Concentrated Reinforcement Programme had probably been prompted by the recommendation made by the Swiss Development Cooperation evaluation team that BRAC 's programme should involve closer cooperation with the local practitioners , as mentioned in the previous chapter .
23 Made by the great Champagne producer using the traditional method , it is a sparkling wine of great finesse , dry and very crisp .
24 In late April Alfredo César the President of the National Assembly and ( like Godoy ) an open opponent of Lacayo , had announced that he was planning to introduce a bill to " review " thousands of land rights decisions made by the former Sandinista government .
25 Few appointments made by the Civil Service Commission in recent years will be so crucial , not just to the efficient running of the welfare state , but to the progress of the most significant Civil Service reform this century .
26 The proposal was made by the civil engineering firm Rendel Palmer and Tritton who , 30 years later were to play the key role in the Thames Barrier project .
27 The injury allowance is not affected however by any award made by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board .
28 To complicate matters further , substantial changes in criminal and penal law were made by the Criminal Justice Act , 1967 .
29 All three brewers use bottles made by the Dutch glass firm NV Vereenigde Glasfabrieken , which is majority-owned by French food and drink giant BSN .
30 Founded in 1986 , it began by importing PCs made by the Taiwanese concern Copam .
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