Example sentences of "in and [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The refurbishers have been in and out over the generations .
2 Yeah er you know , we had an understanding that if erm because there were times when we wanted to just have some time together , or to pray together , and erm you know people who did come in and out to the flats , we erm told them that if th we were in and we did n't answer the door , it was actually because we were either doing something that we could n't come .
3 A. Anyone carrying out work in the Village has to sign in and out at the Wardens Lodge .
4 Motes of dust sparkled and died as they drifted in and out of the beams .
5 Stars dusted the sky but it was an attacker 's moon which slipped treacherously in and out of the clouds .
6 Bobbing lanterns wove in and out of the goods trains in the College Rail Yard .
7 Nevertheless , experience in a training unit does open up a wide range of career prospects , both in and out of the Services .
8 A long thin red snake was moving slowly in and out of the holes .
9 He was appalled at their habits , saying they just covered up the dirt by placing new rushes over the old , thus covering the dirt and filth which was caused by animals wandering in and out of the houses .
10 There were many fans who drifted in and out of the groups without making any sequential progress at all and the groups to the left of the terrace always provided for an escape from the soccer ‘ rat race ’ .
11 She found herself hurrying unnecessarily , weaving her way through the groups of people that drifted along the narrow paths , side-stepping the large and opulent prams that were moored to benches where smug mothers sat knitting and staring , dodging the children who chased each other in and out of the grown-ups ' legs .
12 Its ability to weave in and out of the enemies is unbelievable , and turning back on yourself sends it into a tight mid-air manoeuvre that would tax a Harrier jump jet !
13 The men zip in and out of the gents while you 're cross-legged in a mile-long queue .
14 These groups have transformed the process of policy-making from rather closed networks of autonomous groups composed of members of the legislature , the executive and groups associated with the iron triangle' imagery ( referring to a stable set of relationships between a small number of powerful groups , federal agencies and Congressional committees ) to a fluid set of issue networks ' , in which ‘ a large number of participants with quite variable degrees of mutual commitment … move in and out of the networks constantly ’ .
15 Beautiful women , dressed in anything from the flamboyantly obvious to the understatedly elegant , weaved in and out of the crowds , some of them hanging on the arms of men old enough to be their grandfathers .
16 He was walking in and out of the bays , studying the bookshelves as though that was what he had come for .
17 road and the line nearer to you is solid , you must not cross or straddle it , except when you need to get in and out of the premises on side road .
18 ‘ The great thing about him is that he can fight in and out of the trenches .
19 To the south is the endlessly fascinating sight of trains pulling in and out of the platforms of London Bridge station .
20 We slipped along the now four-lane Al Ain highway , winding in and out of the sections which were still in the process of being built .
21 Benjamin seemed fascinated by the edge of the forest , saying he was sure he had glimpsed figures slipping in and out of the trees .
22 But then came Bigwig , twisting in and out of the branches , his mouth full of berries .
23 Redstarts flicked long chestnut tails and flashed white foreheads as they chased in and out of the branches .
24 There were several Men who regularly came in and out of the Cages to clean and feed the eagles .
25 The morning light was piercing the old house now , sending shafts of pure colour sliding across the floor , making the dust motes dance in and out of the rays .
26 They look at the goods in the shiny , illuminated shop-windows , and wander in and out of the boutiques , but do not buy anything .
27 Jackie was off again , gliding in and out of the shadows .
28 The nuclear workers ' cars swept in and out of the gates at each shift without a cursory nod .
29 It was glorious to stand on this lonely cliff and hear the strange cries of the wheeling gulls , and watch the green waves curling in and out of the caves far below .
30 These properties result from the unique microporous structure of zeolites , which allows molecules to diffuse in and out of the pores .
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