Example sentences of "made [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This lays down cancellation provisions ( reg 4 ) similar to those applied under the CCA 1974 in relation to supplies by a trader of goods or services to a consumer which are made during an unsolicited visit to the consumer 's home , or that of another consumer , or the consumer 's place of work ( reg 3 ) for a VAT inclusive payment of £35 or more ( reg 3(2) ( f ) ) .
2 In the unlikely event of an incident occurring , contact will be made through the Environmental Department to the relevant authority or enforcement body and the necessary corrective action will be taken immediately .
3 Mixing elements of new and old , ‘ Shake … ' 's organic , loose-limbed rock'n'roll made for a bracing antidote to the prevailing pomp and precision of The Crowes ’ hard rock rivals .
4 Application should be made for a discretionary award to the appropriate local grant-awarding authority preferably by 1 June but not later than 30 June of the year of proposed entry to the course .
5 The Group has no present intention to dispose of the AUK Notes and therefore no tax provision has been made for the potential liability to corporation tax .
6 A major problem with early computers was the question of reliability ; pessimistic forecasts were made of the mean time to failure of assemblies of several thousand valves , and a prime consideration in designing a computer was to make it as simple as possible .
7 or how about Ray Wilkins … still playing of course in the premier league but he 's surely made of the right stuff to be a manager …
8 or how about Ray Wilkins … still playing of course in the premier league but he 's surely made of the right stuff to be a manager …
9 These new regulations were made with no real reference to the membership as a whole .
10 Both lustre and blue-on-white wares were made from the mid-thirteenth century to the late fifteenth century at Malaga and a typical example of a wide dish decorated in lustre and blue is shown in Figure 6.1 .
11 The audio connections are made in a similar way to that used for an audio dub , except that the source-machine is now a camcorder ( or a VCR ) .
12 Solvent-weld joints are made in a similar way to that described for plastic ( uPVC ) water pipe in Chapter 2 .
13 These remarks were made in a different context to this , but I regard them as apposite .
14 These remarks were made in a different context to this , but I regard them as apposite .
15 Capital payments ( such as interest-free loans ) can then be made in a tax-efficient manner to the trust beneficiaries , or the gross proceeds of disposal can be reinvested within the " umbrella " of the trust , thus deferring the capital gains tax liability indefinitely .
16 This prevents a possible loophole in patent law such as where a person imports components made in a foreign country to be sold as a kit .
17 And Kode has just set up a new marketing company , Kamtronics , to sell all high-volume printed circuit boards made in the Far East to the UK and Europe .
18 Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Academic Registrar .
19 The House of Lords said that the Crown could claim immunity : ( a ) where the contents of the document were such that objection could be made in the national interest to their disclosure ; ( b ) where the documents , although themselves harmless , fell within a class of documents which should always be withheld .
20 The demand was made in an anonymous call to his farmhouse home near Cloughmills , Co Antrim .
21 References were frequently made to the original model to faithfully simulate the soft effect of the creases .
22 Time spent on costing , budgeting and re-costing is wasted unless up-to-date reports are made on a regular basis to responsible management in the practice .
23 Additional awards were made at a later stage to three individuals who were unable to attend .
24 In R. v. Merthyr Tydvil JJ. ( 1885 ) 14 Q.B.D. 584 , it was held that an objection made by a chief constable to an application for a licence to the court in their private room was not one to which the court could give effect .
25 A payment made by a third party to a company 's employee , but taxable under Sch E as arising from his employment , was subject to deduction of income tax at source under the PAYE Regulations , according to the High Court in Booth v Mirror Group Newspapers plc [ 1992 ] STI 662 .
26 In addition , payments made by the Regional Council to an employee during their absence will be made without any requirement to refund any proportion from the sum awarded by the Board .
27 There was also a smaller counterflow of grants made by the federal government to the republics and provinces .
28 Ahmed Ali denied on July 23 , in an interview with BBC radio , a claim made by the Sudanese ambassador to Djibouti four days earlier that the SNM had revoked the secession in an agreement signed with the Sudanese government .
29 A last-minute payment of US$35,000,000 had been made by the Israeli government to the outgoing regime for its assistance in the operation , according to press reports from Washington and Israel .
30 The previous section has outlined the contribution made by the clinical teacher to ward teaching and learning .
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