Example sentences of "made [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The announcement was made during a two-day visit by the Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin to Bush at his holiday home in Kennebunkport , Maine .
2 This lays down cancellation provisions ( reg 4 ) similar to those applied under the CCA 1974 in relation to supplies by a trader of goods or services to a consumer which are made during an unsolicited visit to the consumer 's home , or that of another consumer , or the consumer 's place of work ( reg 3 ) for a VAT inclusive payment of £35 or more ( reg 3(2) ( f ) ) .
3 Links , for example , have been made between a past history of sexual abuse and bulimia .
4 Often their own need for a change is equally strong too , and if the arrangement is made through a social worker from the local authority social services department in whom they have confidence , they go with no fear of not being allowed to return when the holiday period is over .
5 As it turned out , the wide spread of professional competence present in the workshop made questions as to where individual expertise had been acquired recede in importance compared to the real advances in thinking which could be made through an immediate exchange of ideas .
6 Demands were to be made for a complete ban on foreign music on the radio and the exclusion of particular styles of western dress , but these outbursts of cultural nationalism were felt to be an inevitable part of a cultural renaissance .
7 Even when allowance is made for a certain diversion of effort from new house-building to repair , and for the possibility that the average size of the houses built in 1947–9 is slightly above that of those built in 1934–8 , the contrast remains startling .
8 After the concert , Branson explained how difficult it was to sell Oldfield 's music in America ; indeed , the only way Virgin had been able to find an American distributor for his records at all was on the back of a deal made for a new group on the label , XTC — precisely the kind of music Oldfield abhorred .
9 In Parts I and 11 of that Act provision is made for a new form of ‘ annual returns ’ .
10 Fifteen years ago they began to offer market-related interest rates on wholesale deposits , deposits in excess of a large minimum , made for a fixed period of time .
11 Programmes which were made for a general public of native speakers of the language will obviously not be graded for use with language students .
12 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
13 The progressive questioning of the staff made for a terrible atmosphere in the Staff Common Room .
14 In those circumstances he would be wise to insist that provision be made for a late exercise of the break-clause following an unsuccessful appeal .
15 The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures .
16 Application should be made for a split trial under Ord 33 , rr3 and 4 , under which liability can be tried first and quantum tried when the plaintiff 's medical or employment position , or any other doubt on quantum , has been clarified .
17 These factors alone would have made for a rapid shift between free and unfree populations ; but in many parts of Europe the relation between them was complicated by local custom and legal variety .
18 I am normally wary of accepting claims made for a particular recording at the back of liner notes but when Chesky Records maintains that you can hear the difference in the sound quality of its discs , Chesky is by no means overstating the case .
19 ( 2 ) It is generally acceptable to state that an offer will not be made for a particular period of time .
20 Mixing elements of new and old , ‘ Shake … ' 's organic , loose-limbed rock'n'roll made for a bracing antidote to the prevailing pomp and precision of The Crowes ’ hard rock rivals .
21 The messenger descends quickly enough when its propellant vanes collapse , so provision must be made for a soft landing of any weighty camera unit .
22 The nexus appears to have been made for a sufficient number of the laity , as those who eventually voted in the referendum voted in favour of inscribing an appropriate anti-abortion clause in the constitution .
23 Application should be made for a discretionary award to the appropriate local grant-awarding authority preferably by 1 June but not later than 30 June of the year of proposed entry to the course .
24 That in itself made for a notable afternoon at Fraser Park , not that goodwill will be the principal factor on offer when the serious business starts at Lancaster Park , Christchurch , on Saturday .
25 The unity of soloist and orchestra and the conductor 's sensitive modification of orchestral texture made for an excellent performance of a stunning concerto.ROBIN NEWTON .
26 Many other sizes are made for an enormous range of industrial uses , but flexibility limits their application for kite spars , and in many cases the wooden dowel is superior .
27 A CALL has been made for an empty building near a town centre to be turned into a nursery .
28 I know that criticisms will be made as a proper part of our deliberations today about whether that is the best use of the money .
29 The amendments that Mr Steel refers to specifically , relating to other districts , were all made as a direct consequence of those districts making formal representations to the consultation draft .
30 In all probability it was made as an innocent copy in the nineteenth century .
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