Example sentences of "made [prep] the [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 First , if an error ( even of rounding-off only ) is made during the successive squaring process , it is multiplied by itself unc subsequently , an persists through the calculations ; in the second method , if an error is made in calculating ci , this only amounts to choosing a new arbitrary column , an at worst may prolong the calculations .
2 Her love and zest for life comes out in her unique correspondence and notes made during the momentous first east-west crossing of the Atlantic of the Graf Zeppelin LZ.127 .
3 Although the old colours ranged widely and included deep or light red , blue , ‘ grizzle ’ and all-white , nearly all had white finching and white on the belly and face and early selection was made for the famous white face in contrast to a deep , rich red body colour set off by the white brisket , belly , legs , shoulder stripe and tail switch .
4 Provision is made for the net actuarial liability in respect of this scheme ( actuarial valuation less cash surrender value ) .
5 Provision is made for the net actuarial liability in respect of this scheme ( actuarial valuation less cash surrender value ) .
6 Manager Chris Morgan said : ‘ There are plans being made for the new financial year , but no firm decisions have yet been made .
7 The hon. Gentleman will know that the House was advised in the summer of a new scheme to assist people during periods of very cold weather — well over 1 million payments are expected to be made for the recent cold spell .
8 Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World .
9 These future scenarios should permit deductions to be made about the particular environmental variable in view , whether this be technological , economic or whatever .
10 An election made after the two-year statutory time limit , but as soon as possible given the circumstances , will be accepted if it is made because a relevant and uncorrected Revenue error has resulted in the partners or their agent being misled about whether the requirements of the legislation have been met .
11 If the y -component of the interplanetary magnetic field B y were large , the tension force would yield a strong zonal flow burst on the most recently opened flux : the moderate northwestward flow observed here in the cusp/cleft region implies that B y is weakly positive ; we can not confirm this inference because no simultaneous measurements were made of the interplanetary magnetic field .
12 Similar use has been made of the late Georgian mansion , Malone House , and has proved very successful .
13 A calculation is made of the estimated gross return from a development project less ; construction costs , including siteworks , roads and sewers architect 's fees planning and building regulation fees legal and estate agent 's fees overheads and interest on capital invested profit required The balance will equal the residual valuation of the land .
14 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
15 This second method checked letter strings in a lexicon while selection was made amongst the possible alternative letter strings ( see Srihari and Bozinovic , 1987 , discussed earlier ) .
16 But all these rather extravagant claims have had to be made via the old-fashioned printed page .
17 The degree of promotion and support provided by Area Secretaries to these campaigns will depend upon agreements within their Region and Nation , their own work plans , and agreements made with the relevant overseas Group .
18 Contact was made with the old human empire in Cathay .
19 Working Paper 4 states that new patients on a list or changed clinical conditions of existing patients will bring corresponding adjustments to the drugs budget , but it is not clear whether these adjustments will have to be made within the overall regional allocation to the FPC , or whether new funds can be made available during a year in recognition of patient migration .
20 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
21 Made from the traditional Dry Blackthorn Cider blend , the alcohol by volume content is greatly reduced to 0.9% by using a low temperature high vacuum distillation technique which ensures the end product is still full bodies and full flavoured though low in alcohol .
22 Only ten per cent of the items in the Hatfields store were made from the tropical hard wood and only a minute proportion of those goods were made from solid mahogany .
23 ‘ At least it 's made in the genuine outdoor manner with the billy of water suspended from an iron bar over the flames .
24 The corollary of this is that any receipts received or payments made in the current financial year which relate to accruals made in the last financial year , will not affect the current year 's profit figures .
25 This overlapped to a considerable degree the Roman bath concept and adaptations had to be made in the Imperial Roman period .
26 There are big profits to be made in the international exotic bird trade .
27 Made in the early 2nd century AD , imitating the Classical style of Athens in the mid-5th century BC .
28 The one major dilemma involved the outer edges of the side panels where lateral extensions probably made in the early nineteenth century had darkened more than the original painting .
29 The first two coins ( left ) are both Athenian , but one was made in the early fifth century BC and the other in the mid fourth .
30 Made in the early 3rd century BC .
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