Example sentences of "most [adv] [verb] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It developed the direct-action methods of earlier campaigns into new and more dramatic forms and it took up an issue which was the central and most widely felt grievance of Derry Catholics — housing .
2 ‘ Sellafield has made the Irish Sea the most radioactively contaminated stretch of water in the world .
3 In doing so he reveals the most frequently denied value of humour a defence against the world 's cruel pressures .
4 We , however , found glutathione S-transferase α to be the most frequently expressed form of glutathione S-transferase in colon carcinomas .
5 Mothers were the single most frequently cited source of help ( Bradshaw and Holmes , 1989 ) .
6 The most frequently mentioned aspect of change was that the consciousness of the cost of treatment now had a bearing on decision making .
7 Peters et al also reported that glutathione S-transferase π is the most frequently identified form of glutathione S-transferase in normal colon .
8 After Received Pronunciation , ( RP ) , General American is the most fully described accent of English .
9 Along with the crime novel , which we shall consider shortly , the detective novel is perhaps the most commonly written form of crime fiction today .
10 Retirement migration is the most commonly discussed example of movement away from large urban areas , and has increasingly affected younger retirees .
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