Example sentences of "most [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Radio Renacena is the most widely listened to station in Portugal .
2 The extent of the revolution is most strikingly illustrated by comparison of Giovanni Gabrieli 's two settings of ‘ O Jesu mi dulcissime ’ : in his First Book of Sacrae Symphoniae ( 1597 ) and in his Second Book ( posthumously published in 1615 ) .
3 ‘ Political Leaders ’ in the localities , and especially the Block and Cell Leaders ( that is , those who most directly came into contact with ordinary citizens and most plainly encountered popular feeling ) , were , the report stated , suffering from the fact that ‘ their work was not properly appreciated and acknowledged either by people 's comrades or by superior Party offices ’ .
4 Even so , a process of gradual denial creeps into Ealing 's output , most clearly represented in Train of Events ( 1949 ) , a film that brings together many of the characters who people post-war movies , only to kill them off or put a stop on their moral infractions .
5 ‘ Each is most carefully marked in pencil with the names of sender and recipient , of course . ’
6 It must be recognized that Donna Landry 's views on Leapor are most nearly justified in relation to this piece .
7 In such cases , improvement of coronary blood flow may sometimes be most practically achieved by use of either balloon or laser angioplasty or atherectomy .
8 The formal nature of the signature does indeed suggest that Molla Fenari was signing the document in an official capacity ( cf. the informal nature of the problematical signature , cited on p. 155 of Husameddin 's article and discussed below , where Molla Fenari has clearly been asked simply to lend his name to the proceedings ) ; and while he was most probably acting as kadi of Bursa , as the biographical sources would suggest , it should be noted that the signature is not in itself conclusive proof of this .
9 The word is most often heard in response to an order to do something : fetch firewood , haul water , etc .
10 The treatment of choice most often reported for adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus is surgery .
11 Designs on the screen are most often knitted from bottom to top , so looking for colours as they appear in the design from bottom to top and left to right is an accurate way of assessing where colours are brought into the work and their order .
12 Most frequently found on limestone in the wild , it is adaptable to most soils in the garden though it prefers rich and well-drained sites .
13 This view was most strongly expressed in respect of music and drama .
14 Pneumonia was the clinical symptom most strongly associated with seroconversion among drug users .
15 The name which springs most readily to mind in connection with our Embassy in Paris ( the Hôtel de Charost ) is Lady Diana Cooper , wife of the first post-war ambassador , Sir Alfred Duff Cooper .
16 The ideological bankruptcy of the Communists is perhaps most graphically conveyed by quotation of a comment by Soviet Latin Americanist Anatoli Shul'govskii to the effect that in 1945 the Mexican Communist party had a ‘ Marxist ’ ideology comparable to the ‘ legal Marxism ’ of tsarist Russia ( Löwy : 1982 , p. 37 ) .
17 Given that such a coalition would enjoy the support of more than 50% of electors and that the turnover of seats under PR is small ( Professor Finer estimated that a swing of 1% would result in the loss of only six seats ) , it would most likely remain in office for the foreseeable future and hence be in a position to ensure a degree of policy continuity .
18 Deposits of comparable material which extend from the Ukraine westwards along the foot of the Hercynian uplands of Europe as far as the chalk plateaus of Artois and Picardy , were most likely derived by deflation from the glacial deposits of the North European Plain during the Pleistocene period .
19 The announcement of which bidders are successful will most likely come by way of a ‘ planted ’ question in Parliament .
20 This is the approach most commonly discussed in restraint of trade cases .
21 The isotope most commonly used for measurement of colonic transit is 9 9 m Tc-DTPA in liquid form , or it may also be incorporated into ispaghula husk to simulate the physical properties of faeces more closely .
22 Problems most commonly arise in relation to sanitary fixtures ( refer Section 3.3 ) and three piece suites ( refer Section 6.6 ) .
23 The location-factor school argued that regional policy was the most important cause of decentralization in the '60s because it was the factor most significantly correlated with change in manufacturing employment , that is , it matched the pattern of relative manufacturing growth most closely .
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