Example sentences of "man who be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Third , the views of the innate aggressionists and their followers reflect — and implicitly reinforce — sexism , since it is usually man who is presented in the Hobbesian mould , with a sleight-of-hand extension of man into Man .
2 It is not the perspective of a man who is dominated by the fear and hatred of Hellenizers .
3 Piers Morrison , the man who 's working on the house , will be there as well . ’
4 Stefan Kiszko , the man who was cleared of the murder of eleven-year-old Lesley Molseed has told how he was set upon by inmates when he first arrived in jail .
5 And she also reminded herself that even if it had included a kiss it did n't mean a thing — especially as it had come from a man who was living in the outback to get away from women .
6 The first of the new sketches shows a man who was seen at the docks the Saturday before with a woman who resembled Carol .
7 I told him I did not know his friend Bill and the breakfast was for a man who was staying at the inn .
8 He was a man who was used to the supernatural but he was amazed at the things that he saw !
9 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
10 Would you continue to fight for the life of this man who was valued in the community and initially had a strong will to live , even if the odds seemed hopeless ?
11 There had been little damage to Galilee or Rashidiyeh in the exchange of fire but , not far from the entrance to the Palestinian camp , I was briefly introduced to a man who was described as the ‘ leader of joint PLO forces in Rashidiyeh .
12 The sound that had made O look up came from a man who was sitting on the floor , leaning against the wall of the tunnel , looking not much like a beggar , but just someone worn out ; perhaps he had collapsed there and was resting .
13 PC Donald Lucey approached a man who was sitting on the central reservation of the A Four-One-Nine at Calcutt near Swindon .
14 Brian was an intelligent , articulate and self-motivated man who was admitted to the intensive care unit ( ICU ) at Leicester Royal Infirmary with Guillain-Barré syndrome .
15 He saw that two men were now holding me , pushing me down and punching me and he recognized the man who was walking up the stairs .
16 The first was a short man who was walking along the street , and the second was a little girl who was running as fast as she could .
17 Police have spoken to a man who was found outside the cottage when the fire service arrived .
18 Police have spoken to a man who was found outside the cottage when the fire service arrived .
19 The following year Graham Greene , having struggled to write a script from Galsworthy 's Twenty-One Days — about a murderer who killed himself and an innocent man who was hanged for the suicide 's crime — within BBFC rules that forbade the representation of either suicide or a failure of British justice , joined with J. B. Priestley , Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in speaking out against the censorship system .
20 The men who sat or lay near to him on the floor had watched with a curiosity that a man who was held in the Transit gaol at Pot'ma should concern himself with such a small matter as the pin-sharp biting of the louse .
21 With her thoughts far away and her eyes fixed on the distant horizon , she did not notice where she was going — and as the tall , broad-shouldered man who was coming from the opposite direction was too deeply absorbed in his own reflections to be aware of his surroundings , there was a sudden abrupt collision .
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