Example sentences of "might [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On this basis , over 600 jobs might disappear in the longer term . ’
2 He stressed that attempts should be made to minimise any hardship they might experience to the greatest extent possible , as long as these did not prejudice the children 's best interests .
3 The timely award of an extension of time may avoid problems which might arise at a later stage when a contractor submits a claim for taking extraordinary measures to recover lost time owing to the late issue of an instruction , for example .
4 A reference was also necessary since it was possible that a similar case might arise in the public sector of employment where the Directive would have direct effect .
5 The need to assess the likelihood of possible future changes in the climates of the world provides a strong reason for encouraging research on these problems , and is reinforced by the recognition that human activities are developing towards a scale from which significant effects on world climate might arise within the next century
6 The measurement of length might relate to a straight line drawn on a piece of paper , to the height of a tree or to the distance of the moon from the Earth .
7 First , because of membership of the EMS , wage-bargainers and price-setters in other countries may take particular notice of the DM exchange rate and inflationary trends ( if any ) in the Federal Republic ; second , over a period of time , wage and price responses in other countries might evolve towards the German norm ; third , it may simply be that in a period when for fundamental social and political reasons the control of inflation came to assume dominance in policy-making , policy-makers found it a useful discipline to conduct their fiscal and monetary affairs in such a way as to stabilise the exchange rate against the DM .
8 This in turn might compensate for a reduced number of active cones and visual neurons per unit of retinal area .
9 Society might disapprove of the adulterous relationship flaunted so openly , but Lord John believed that Jane 's beauty excused everything .
10 When the Ottoman empire declared war on a foreign state its unfortunate representative in Constantinople was very often immediately thrown into the Seven Towers prison there , where he might stay for a considerable time .
11 We might think of the real essence of a triangle , ‘ three lines enclosing a space ’ , as instructions for making such a figure : it is how that figure is constituted .
12 Similarly , to take another case , we might think of the real essence of a circle , a figure which bears a constant relation to some one point , as an indication of how , along Hobbesian lines , to generate or construct one .
13 So I thought an illustration of Mark 's later playing , as demonstrated on Dire Straits latest album ‘ On Every Street ’ , might make for a welcome change .
14 It is of course very difficult to predict all the uses you might make of a new technology until you have had time to experiment with it , so the same golden rule applies to recording as to playback : start small with a basic system to which you can add .
15 The only criticism one might make of the Labour party 's proposal is that it is not large enough .
16 The analysis might concentrate on a small moment within a restricted world .
17 As there is a danger that people will be confused and might buy from the second retailer thinking that they are buying from the other , he should be able to obtain an injunction preventing the second retailer from continuing to use the name he has chosen .
18 Guth suggested that the universe might behave in a similar way : the temperature might drop below the critical value without the symmetry between the forces being broken .
19 Whilst some might quibble with the second part of that statement , who could argue with the first ?
20 A secondee might focus on a particular issue : for example , training , recruitment or appraisal .
21 They also sensed that it would help them to make sure that managed competition was made to work ; they feared that , if it failed , politicians might opt for a government-run programme that would cut them out entirely .
22 The little shop had been arranged as what I have seen described as a mini-hypermarket , so I found a basket and busied myself with collecting what supplies I thought I might need for the next couple of days .
23 If your eyes should wander from the action on the stage at The Theatre in Chipping Norton , they might fall on an unusual dedication on the walls .
24 The high figure from the farm was due to government support and this might fall in the near future .
25 ’ ( ‘ Outside ’ was quite a sumptuous place in its little way ; a good walk from the house , along a winding path between yew and box trees and down some artistically rounded white steps , to a trellised porch with chequered black and red tiled floor , where an escort might wait on a dark night .
26 In cross-section ( Fig. 3 ) , the wound front generally has a rounded or only slightly angular profile , rather than the flattened cellular protrusions one might expect at a leading edge that was actively crawling forwards over the exposed mesenchyme .
27 Within this general analysis there is a considerable variety of micro-climates — as one might expect on a small island in the Atlantic with altitudes from sea-level to 1,800 metres .
28 This machine is no exception , and the quality of the build is better than you might expect for a bog-standard clone .
29 Diphtheria and measles , against which mass vaccinations have also been instituted , showed fairly abrupt falls immediately after introduction of the respective vaccines and indicate what one might expect of a successful programme .
30 Whilst this might be true , for some years now invertebrate neurophysiologists ( by which is meant those who study invertebrates , not a special group of researchers without backbones ! ) , who used to speak of their pet organisms as having simple nervous systems , have rephrased their claim , and refer instead to them as having ‘ simple ’ nervous systems , the inverted commas being deliberately added as a recognition that the complexity of these systems is still many orders of magnitude higher than in the genuinely simple wiring that one might expect of a mere computer .
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