Example sentences of "might [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The trench warfare of the early 1980s was replaced by more subtle forms of guerrilla conflict , in which the guiding principles are no longer so straightforward , yet the consequences of change may be rather more significant , to the extent that the '80s as a whole might justifiably be seen as a period of structural change .
2 Some lenders were already refusing to give money for areas which they thought might eventually be included in the list .
3 There were even suggestions that the atoll — an unincorporated territory of the USA , controlled since 1934 by the US military — might eventually be used for the reciprocal destruction of Soviet chemical weapons .
4 His aim might unkindly be described as the creating of rococo tragedy with Aristotle 's support .
5 An undergraduate class of 70–100 students could , for example , so dominate the use of a plotter that other staff and students might effectively be excluded from the use of the device .
6 Particular services are examined by two writers closely involved with implementation : Nick Raynsford looks it recent developments in policies on housing , and David Mallen considers how education might effectively be used as a key instrument of social improvement .
7 Given their present configuration , Opposition Front-Bench Members might better be described as a hot dog .
8 He was pressed into the ranks of the northern army , ‘ whereby he might somewhat be instructed of the difference between the sitting quietly in his house , and the travail and danger which others daily do sustain' .
9 On the one hand he must cope with routines where the demand is for precise obedience to established instructions and on the other hand he might suddenly be faced with a need to respond in a creative manner totally outside any instructions .
10 Thinking and perceiving , which might naturally be attributed to an incorporeal mind , are simply complex motions in matter .
11 Anyone with good eyesight would certainly have seen the riders , but to someone like Dame Elizabeth their presence might only be betrayed by a flash of colour .
12 It was agreed that this might best be achieved by a series of dinners to launch development projects of the University .
13 This might best be done by a judicious selection of quotations which teachers would be guided to study in detail .
14 For she had actually been engaged in the very pleasant task of deciding which room in her new house at Far Flatley might best be converted into a nursery when a messenger had come from Frizingley with the awful news .
15 It is possible that after analysing certain European markets it becomes apparent that your objectives might best be met by a start-up venture .
16 I would suggest that a sexual problem might best be defined as an obstacle to the satisfaction of sexual need — that need which arises in us partly from innate instinct and urge , partly from the circumstances of any given time , and which is tempered by our personal upbringing and development , our moral outlook and the social norms to which we subscribe .
17 For example , it suggests that Quadrant 1 might best be left to the ‘ scientists ’ , with ‘ cultivate ’ instead of ‘ manage ’ being the modus operandi ( Breton and Gold , 1987 ) .
18 ‘ By this means , the peaceful penetration of foreign markets , a state that possessed all the outward political attributes of independence and power might nevertheless be robbed of the internal , material , politico-economic bases of such independence and power . ’
19 Bevin was torn between fears of a resurgent Germany in its own right and of a Germany which might somehow be drawn into the Soviet orbit .
20 They might thus be characterised as the two Ugly Sisters who through their actions succeeded in making the British economy the Cinderella of the industrialised world — and the USA could be cast as the Bad Fairy who ensured that the Ugly Sisters always got their way .
21 Rather , as the polls came to trouble the Tories , the ‘ troubles ’ suddenly became of interest — purely because it appeared the Conservative Revolution might just be sustained with the assistance of that unlikely revolutionary , James Molyneaux , leader of the Ulster Unionists .
22 The latter , though , might just be assimilated to the factors that the subject has to take into account under operant conditioning .
23 Now it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that during the intervening twenty-five years the lord had bought out most of the freeholds , which , with few exceptions , must have been very small , and might just be identified with the sixteen ‘ Farme Landes ’ .
24 At least one small nineteenth-century factory in Dentorn , Greater Manchester , as an area noted for the manufacture of hats , was built with certain architectural features included so that it might easily be converted into a terrace of houses .
25 A junior Defence Minister attempted to explain that a bomb might easily be planted in a barracks : ‘ Anyone could walk in as long as they were carrying a package which did not look suspicious . ’
26 Of all of the appointments which might easily be held by a resident freeholder , none was more attractive to many gentlemen than the post of collector of supply .
27 The message from gays and lesbians living in rural Ireland was one of a sense of isolation which might aptly be tackled through the medium of film , which has the potential to act as a focus for the many people geographically isolated and thus tongue-tied by virtue of their isolation .
28 I can readily imagine a state of circumstances under which a husband might deservedly be punished with the penalty attached to rape . ’
29 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
30 Devotees of the Hitchcock film will be gratified to hear that Buchan 's book is even more chock-full of incident , cross-country chases , gung-ho and derring-do : a stirring monument to the days when a man of action might still be possessed of a stiff-upper-lipped charm and accomplishment .
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