Example sentences of "might [adv] [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Too much control and predictability might eventually subvert the organizational goals .
2 In an attempt to formulate a credible political platform from which the JSP might successfully contest the forthcoming elections , a foreign , defence and economic policy review was unanimously approved during a meeting in August 1989 of regional JSP officials , and was made public during a press conference on Sept. 10 by JSP leader Takako Doi .
3 ‘ Not to mention the fact that someone in a protective white suit might just attract the wrong kind of attention , ’ Graham added between mouthfuls .
4 The Profitboss might just go the other way and invest in revenue generation with a major advertising campaign .
5 Well , we will try again , and maybe if we do win the Rumbelows League Cup and finish third in Division Two , we might just get the same coverage overall as one man has had over the past weeks .
6 Oh well we 'll we could we might easily use the corporate video for that .
7 However , we can not exclude the possibility that there might be some other form of matter , distributed almost uniformly throughout the universe , that we have not yet detected and that might still raise the average density of the universe up to the critical value needed to halt the expansion .
8 I might still have the odd tin of some oval golden tablets , big as gooseberries , which we used to give them for worms .
9 For this reason he stressed in his recommendations not only measures to improve prison conditions but also reforms of grievance and disciplinary procedures ( see Chapter 5 ) which might both improve the objective standard of justice within prisons and be seen as fairer by prisoners .
10 Provision is made for an extension of service from Telford Randlay to Stafford Park ( now Madeley Junction ) and the Severn Loop line might also utilise the former Severn Valley route through the Gorge with a branch calling at Ironbridge and Jackfield , terminating at Coalport .
11 It might also unleash the musical gifts of the handicapped .
12 The absence of these factors might also explain the higher arrest rate of blacks in the lighter areas .
13 Such an emphasis on the inner light might also threaten the collaborative aspects of scientific research , which Boyle considered essential for the public good .
14 The backroom staff might also include the former City stalwart Paul Power , who finished his First Division career at Everton after being signed by Kendall .
15 The backroom staff might also include the former City stalwart Paul Power , who finished his First Division career at Everton after being signed by Kendall .
16 In these circumstances to talk of the inner city may be to accept a vocabulary which we might prefer not to endorse but it might also use the only language in which we can be heard .
17 It might also encourage the lordly ones who run the Trust to see that its properties only have real value and interest when set in a wider social background that the rather greenery-yallery context in which too many of them are set for us by the Trust 's publications .
18 Through his work as a teacher , he became fond of the race of Men and saw in it the possibility and the threat that in time it might far exceed the declining race of Elves .
19 In this respect , it is useful to pay attention to what we might now term the human rights ' issue as one examines the handling of public — private morality in the Irish constitution .
20 The second US reaction was to reassure the West Germans that Washington was happy to leave the details about what we might now call the eastern provinces in Bonn 's hands .
21 But this too might fail to expose the error , for the stranger might simply guess the right answers , or his answers might be so close to those expected of him that even the most scrupulous interrogator would be deceived .
22 When those hybrids overran the guards they might simply tear the last survivors apart .
23 It might even satisfy the drab clerk who wrote the regulations .
24 In showing off to the raw recruits he might even throw the small plane into such daring bankings or dives that it could n't be manoeuvred out of .
25 The adverse consequences to the health of men in their seventh , eighth , and ninth decades could thus be considerable and might well counterbalance the small benefit of screening in terms of reduced deaths .
26 A bad year was a disaster to the small peasant while it might well benefit the large farmers or merchants who could store grain for ten years , ‘ observing this rule so consistently that they would pawn their last jewels or load their lands with mortgages until years of high prices ’ .
27 Subsequent notification to each individual affected by a suspended measure might well jeopardise the long-term purpose that originally prompted the surveillance .
28 Successful litigants who are vindictive , or excessively conscientious , or who fear that they will be liable to litigation themselves if they fail to extract everything possible from a claim , might well pursue the individual partners for their assets .
29 It might well assist the devious Minister for the High Police were he to learn something of Bonaparte 's future plans , reception in Austria , any little weaknesses , indiscreet comments upon the situation back in France …
30 Now having overcoming the shock of his surprise defection from the other side of the Pennines , it appears he might well have the same effect on United .
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