Example sentences of "might [adv] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But after he had left them Rain wondered whether Shildon might not want to see her about his MacQuillan inquiry , a matter other events had put out of her mind .
2 Nuclear explosives might not have killed anyone since Nagasaki in 1945 , but the use of nuclear fuel in a civil reactor had .
3 Wickham suspected he looked dubious because she hurried on : ‘ Oh , I know you 're thinking I might not have noticed him at the bar .
4 ‘ He might not have noticed it in coffee . ’
5 Your companion might not have made it at all . ’
6 This came out with more bravado than Sally-Anne really felt , and had she seen him more clearly before she intervened she might not have said anything at all .
7 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
8 If he had n't been such a lousy husband I might not have got myself in so deep … ’
9 If Maurin had told them she had gone home , the woman 's wagging tongue might already have put her in danger .
10 As I see it Chapman might just have made it to number ten , but I doubt it .
11 I thought that because he had had such good news he might just like to keep it to himself today .
12 Yes , Rona might easily have said something like that .
13 OK , so it used to be called ‘ mother 's ruin' and it 's reputation among the more desperate of women as a way of sorting out an inconvenient pregnancy problem might hardly have endeared it to the more sober .
14 It was ‘ natural ’ and defensible , on the ground that one medium might reasonably seek to protect itself by investing in a competitor .
15 The umpires might also have noticed something at some point along the line !
16 But he 'd have called the police anyway and they might really have caught us at it .
17 The blending of all the colours , with the theme of yellow roses running throughout the collection , is extremely effective , and I might even start collecting something like that myself !
18 ‘ It might even have cleared itself by then . ’
19 One might even have thought him to be angry .
20 He might even have thrown it over the cliff .
21 ( Some would have already recovered the development value of the land by selling at a high price ; others may never have wished to develop their land , and , indeed , might even have bought it for the express purpose of preventing its development . )
22 It was after midnight and the youngsters might well continue enjoying themselves into the early hours .
23 But she did not like to admit the accidental , for if her birth was the effect of chance , so then was her escape ; the same arbitrary law that had produced her might well have blinded her at the most crucial moments of her life , and left her forever desiring , forever missing , never achieving , an eternal misfit .
24 If anything , by the end of the nineteenth century it was the expanding Polish population of the partition areas that needed living space , and the German Ostflucht might well have given it to them had it not been that Germany desperately needed to maintain the spluttering fiction of the drive to the east to divert and subvert internal political pressures .
25 As for King Arthur , Tolkien might well have seen him as a symptom of English vagueness .
26 The Jacobite sympathies of the family might well have prejudiced them in the eyes of the early Georges , but George III , especially after falling out with Coutts , had an affectionate and very special relationship with Drummonds .
27 I seem to recall we dealt through local estate agents , and knowing the properties personally , I might well have recommended them to you , as a prospective buyer …
28 He reached for his cup , and there was Julian with the flagon lifted , ready to refill both his and Hotspur 's , so silently and impassively that they might almost have dreamed her into the fringes of their conference , but for the fourth cup which had appeared beside theirs , and which she was also filling to the brim .
29 An ancient animal with 5 per cent of an eye might indeed have used it for something other than sight , but it seems to me at least as likely that it used it for 5 per cent vision .
30 She might never try to turn it into reality .
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