Example sentences of "might [verb] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd declined the butler 's offer to take his coat : he might want to leave in a hurry .
2 One thing you might want to do as a way of putting an argument together would be to look up the word " Romanticism " in the dictionary , since Byron 's poetry belongs to this literary movement .
3 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
4 This is exactly the kind of picture which we might want to save from a screen paintbrush job ; lovely blends of colour , subtle shades and shapes , and not a straight line anywhere .
5 You might want to add to a set of chairs that you already possess , or make up a matching chair to one at home .
6 Joan for what it 's worth erm and this is just something you might want to think about a mobile is worth its weight in gold .
7 Now when we came across that it was dealt with very quickly and the , er sparklers were removed , but , er you know , the potential danger there particularly with young children running around , might want to play with a sparkler , with thirty or fifty thousand of the things in the same room .
8 The main pieces of equipment that might need replacing in a system are the boiler and the radiators .
9 And the fear was a burden , that he might need to move to a place which would kill his intellectual life .
10 The clinical terms project was started last year to develop a set of terms comprehensive enough to cover anything that a clinician might need to write in a patient 's record .
11 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
12 Chamberlain , Baldwin suggested , might consider joining as a minister without portfolio .
13 The king himself was not paid ( although Edward Balliol , ‘ king ’ of Scots , drew payment both in times of war and peace ) but dukes received 13s. 4d ; earls 6s. 8d ; knights-baneret 4s ; knights-bachelor 2s ; and esquires 1s ; these last sums corresponding proportionately to the amount each might expect to spend on a horse ( as outlined above ) whose value was agreed in advance , so that compensation for its loss could be paid by the crown .
14 Correspondingly , unpopular schools might expect to contract to a point at which they lose their viability .
15 The effect is warm and friendly , rather than the immaculate ‘ designer look ’ that you might expect to find in a house full of talented people .
16 Before you visit the Church of St Clement and the Clementinum , you might like to stop for a cup of coffee at the House of the Golden Snake .
17 I thought you might like to stop for a coffee . ’
18 FLORA Thompson enthusiasts might like to know about a reprint of a 56-page guide of Liphook written by her and which is certain to become a collector 's item .
19 A simple push might suffice to move on a street seller or a drunk .
20 I also think that before sitting in judgement on Dr Hari 's ‘ uncritical use of the concept of ‘ normality ’ ’ , a social scientist of Dr Oliver 's calibre might stop to think for a moment about the social context in which those remarks were made .
21 On a good day you might happen to come across a man taking his dog for exercise .
22 It might have served as a link between Britain and the Six , but it was not until after its first application to join the EEC had been rejected in 1963 that Britain began seriously to consider this as a possibility .
23 And Thiercelin wondered whether of all the men in the Grand Army , he alone realized that the charmless , unpopular Davout was a better soldier , and a better man , than the emperor , and might have served as an example to princes , had he only possessed a little more humanity .
24 He implied that a united Germany might have to wait on an end to the division of Europe .
25 If he acknowledged his title more openly he might have to behave like a count , instead of roaring around like a reckless lunatic causing accidents in his speedboat …
26 It was the free-standing sort that might have stood outside a country pub .
27 Silly and stupid , the sort of thing he might have done as a child , pathetic for a man of his age .
28 Give me a figure , that you might have seen in an advert , when you 're drooling over BMWs and things , Maseratis .
29 205. ( 1 ) ( ix ) Land includes … land of any tenure , and mines and minerals , whether or not held apart from the surface , buildings or parts of buildings ( whether the division is horizontal , vertical or made in any other way ) and other corporeal hereditaments ; also a manor , an advowson , and a rent and other incorporeal hereditament , and an easement , right , privilege , or benefit in , over , or derived from land ; but not an undivided share in land ; and " mines and minerals " include any strata or seam of minerals or substances in or under any land , and powers of working and getting the same but not an undivided share thereof ; and " manor " includes a lordship , and reputed manor or lordship ; and " hereditament " means any real property which on an intestacy occurring before the commencement of this Act might have devolved upon an heir
30 An artist has perhaps given as much time to a single major work as a composer might have given to a sonata or whatever it may be .
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