Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oman 's economy benefited from oil price rises following the invasion and some reports estimated that a projected budget deficit for 1990 might be turned into a surplus .
2 The discussion that follows is necessarily selective , highlighting some key issues , but inevitably neglecting others , for example around the vexed question of cultural relativism and the problems surrounding the marginalization of ‘ race ’ policies at the institutional level , which might be treated in a text of quite different length and scope .
3 He glances down at the table , as if the answer might be written on a beer mat .
4 Odd as this may sound , the idea that an association might be formed between a CS and the absence of some event is not without precedent in associative theorizing .
5 He also suggested that a government might be formed from a coalition of post-Solidarity parties which would choose their own leadership .
6 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
7 These priorities , for example , might be expressed through a request to teach a different age group or to be given time to take a specific course .
8 This harmony might be expressed as an offering which accompanies a vow of some kind ( Leviticus 22:21 ) , or as a thank-offering ( Leviticus 22:29 ) or free-will offering ( Leviticus 22:21 ) .
9 Most verbs which are used of situations where the object — talking strictly of the intensional level and not of the world referred to — does not change its properties ( between the narrow focus on the object phrase alone , and the wider view when it is construed with the verb and the adjective as in ( 22 ) ) will not be suitable ; if a property that might be expressed by an adjective could be present in the wider structural context , then its applicability will not normally be connected with the link between the verb and the noun phrase .
10 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
11 The winner of the big greyhound race this weekend might be decided by a photograph … its the semi-final of the greyhound derby … two local dogs are running …
12 His defects were that he lacked subtlety , was vehemently anti-communist to the point where any unrest or dissent might be regarded as a sign of communist activity , and that he lacked preparation for the tasks he faced .
13 The letter was carefully worded — it hinted that the offer might be regarded as a debasement of his talent , but if he were not too sensitive about this he might be prepared to accept the fee which was negotiable .
14 Outside Ulster , the proposed force might be regarded as a return of the B Specials .
15 A Hollywood studio decided it was not safe to make a picture about the peacemaker , Hiawatha , because ‘ It might be regarded as a message for peace and therefore helpful to Communist designs ’ .
16 29996 preserves many more of his compositions , together with an alternatim organ Mass by another St. Paul 's musician Philip ap Rhys , who succeeded him as organist , and a considerable number of organ works ( including the Proper of a Mass for Easter Day and eight ‘ Felix namque ’ which might be regarded as a set of variations though they were not of course played as such ) by Thomas Preston ( d. c. 1564 ) , organist of Magdalen College , Oxford , and later of the Chapel Royal at Windsor .
17 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
18 If there is a small degradation of performance when 15 or more machines are in use but otherwise the network is fine , this might be regarded as a breach of warranty .
19 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
20 Or you might be invited to a party , start to feel uncomfortable and have the courage to comply when your inner voice tells you to go , knowing that your guide will keep you safe from harm .
21 The early part of the present century was quiet in volcanic terms , and the warming might be explained as a result of dust clearing from the stratosphere , while the recent cooling trend coincides with increasing volcanic activity .
22 The decision might be explained as an attempt to remedy the absence of an offence which penalizes such voyeurs .
23 This leaves around 1400km of post-collision convergence to be accounted for , much of which might be explained by a doubling of the thickness of the Tibetan crust during the past 50 Ma from a ‘ normal ’ value of 35 km to the present 70 km .
24 The discrepancy in the size of this transcript compared to the 5 kb transcript identified here might be explained by a difference between species .
25 Failure of a team might be explained by an imbalance of team types , the absence of crucial roles or a mismatch between team role and hierarchical status .
26 Carrying hot metal , or tripping blindfold between red-hot plough shares , or plunging the arm in boiling water were the usual tests , though the accused might be flung into a pond to see whether he sank or not , or forced to eat an ounce of bread or cheese to see if it stuck in the gullet !
27 There are in effect only two types of private purpose which might be imposed on a beneficiary .
28 Charles Donmall , in this period the secretary of the BBBC , justified the discrimination by pointing out that : ‘ It is only right that a small country such as ours should have championships restricted to boxers of white parents — otherwise we might be faced with a situation where all our British titles are held by coloured Empire boxers ’ ( quoted by Henderson , 1949 , p.340 ) .
29 Mr Allan was also found liable in the expenses of the Complainers and of the Committee as the same might be taxed on a Solicitor and Client basis .
30 Mr Soper was also found liable in the expenses of the Complainers and of the Committee as the same might be taxed on a Solicitor and Client basis .
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