Example sentences of "might be [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( A bishop or abbot might be tempted to put the lands and treasures of his church at his family 's disposal . )
2 This is clearly cumbersome and possibly unsatisfactory and many users might be tempted to abandon the process before achieving their ends .
3 He was reaching the point where he might be tempted to hurt the boy out of frustration or because he thought he was being tricked in some way .
4 Never must she put herself in a position where she might be tempted to betray the fact that she loved him .
5 It implies describing carefully the nature , extent and implications of any problems prior to intervention ; saying what it is you might do to alter these and why it would be beneficial to try ; describing how best this might be brought about ; saying in advance what kinds of public test might be applied to support the view that something worthwhile has been achieved ; pursuing a solution , and then defending the results against criticism from peers ( Sheldon , 1986 , p. 224 ) .
6 For the enthusiast , a second innings might be played to determine the outcome , with a side following on if it fails to come within an agreed number of runs of its opponents score .
7 Give details of a PR programme that might be run to address the problem .
8 In a sense , meanings qua species of thought or thought-modalities might be said to represent the principles of " unity " of certain historical mental acts .
9 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
10 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
11 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
12 In Act v , Scene v , of Jonson 's Volpone Mosca enters dressed as a gentleman ; it is a moment which might be seen to mark the arrival of the urban impostor , he or she who knows that mimicry and impersonation possess the potential not just to deceive and usurp , but also to subvert social differentiation and identity itself :
13 Is there anything else that might be done to settle the issue one way or the other ?
14 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
15 It is possible that a mixture of all three levels of care might be indicated to meet the needs of one client .
16 For example , they might be asked to restrict the amount of credit granted to private individuals for consumption , or to property speculators .
17 His Protestant voice told the nation that Lady Thatcher might speak in Thursday 's debate on race , for that was what it was really all about or , on the other hand , she might be asked to take the chair for John Major 's Leader 's address on the Friday afternoon .
18 Remember that , if working in a large organisation , then someone might be asked to assess the DC who has no clue as to why the change is being proposed .
19 Students might be required , for example , to sketch the layout of the kitchen , noting the position of fire-extinguishers and emergency exits , they might be asked to note the pattern of use in the restaurant ; which are peak hours ; what sort of music is played ; what arrangements are made for smokers ; what is the cleaning cycle for bedrooms and corridors ; what sort of internal accounting system is used — the list could go on , but all are investigative tasks which need the help of hotel staff and which , if properly recorded can be assessed .
20 If a genuine mistake has been made , then the bank or building society will be told to start deducting tax , and people might be asked to pay the tax on past interest .
21 He hinted that the sale might be delayed to allow the firm to apply for another warrant to allow the uplift of goods ‘ through a different procedure ’ .
22 In 1346 Archbishop Stratford was ordered to read to the clergy and laity assembled in St Paul 's churchyard a recently discovered Franco-Norman agreement ( actually concluded in 1339 ! ) to invade England ; publication was to be accompanied by a sermon and a solemn procession , ‘ so that by this means the people of the kingdom might be roused to esteem the king more fervently and pray more devoutly for his expedition in order that he may keep the people safe from Gallic machinations ’ .
23 Silver might be added to toughen the metal for making jewellery intended for hard wear .
24 Had Saturday 's scenes at Highbury taken place in Glasgow , some of the participants might be preparing to face the Sheriff 's Court accused of disorderly conduct and conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace .
25 It is hoped that this meagre expedition into social history may provide at least some indication of the extent to which each decade has bred people of differing outlook on sexuality and an indication of the way in which different styles of upbringing and ways of social thinking in the childhood years of successive decades might be expected to affect the outlook and tolerance of adults throughout the varying age groups of society .
26 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
27 An operations director , for example might be expected to understand the characteristics of a world-class manufacturing operation — stage four — while a shift manager may be required to understand thoroughly his or her own process — stage one .
28 Still assuming a deterministic setting , and given sufficient mathematical regularity in the underlying functions , the number of instruments needed might be expected to equal the number of variables to be controlled .
29 The more frequent presence of social problems among female GP referrals is interesting here because these might be expected to raise the possibility of alternative referral ( for example , to a social worker ) and management .
30 The studies did provide evidence that the services could have useful effects on families that might be expected to reduce the risk of child abuse .
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