Example sentences of "might be [verb] [prep] [noun prp] and " in BNC.

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1 New Towns might be built at Ashford and Stansted .
2 It was just as likely , therefore , that any revelation to Anna — by word or expression — might be relayed to Sam and , perhaps unintentionally , onward to Luke .
3 Er there 's a book , which I do n't think is on your list but it might be called By Thorn and Henley er which might be worth looking at .
4 For example , the Magistrates ' Association produce suggestions for these many road traffic cases you 've spoken about , which list about fifty odd of the common road traffic offences and make suggestions as to the penalties that might be adopted throughout England and Wales .
5 However , Austria has already submitted its request for full membership of the EC and this might be followed by Norway and Sweden if the attempt to negotiate a wider West European unity breaks down .
6 Clement V provided Reynolds to Canterbury so ‘ that peace might be preserved to Edward and his realm ’ : Reynolds was ordered to conduct affairs differently from the contentious Winchelsey ‘ so as to temper the rancour between the king and his nobles , hoping to benefit the church thereby ’ .
7 The vote raised the possibility that charges might be brought against Suchinda and other former military leaders involved in the May unrest .
8 He had rather enjoyed it and it had helped him to keep his mind off what might be happening to Snodgrass and to Floy and Fenella .
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