Example sentences of "each [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These jettison the shared medium of Ethernet in favour of a star-shaped configuration in which each networked device sits at the end of its own private Ethernet segment , where it gets the benefit of the whole 10Mbps .
2 Each new piece of police excess , each reported example of police harassment , each fresh scandal adds to the number of its converts .
3 The keys once stretched south from Florida almost to Cuba , each tiny island linked to the next by a bridge .
4 Both forms are based on the existing topic framework , but the distinction derives from what each individual speaker treats as the salient elements in the existing topic framework .
5 But the aim must be to do this in a manner which allows scope for each individual child to share in the responsibility for initiating and carrying out the tasks through which learning takes place .
6 I have listed the number of occurrences of each individual word occurring in the data in table 5.4 .
7 Eight games were played — each individual score counting towards the final result with Douglas Reyburn the clear winner at the end of the day .
8 HERMS also establishes the real-life relationship between each separate part held in the system by recording associative part data .
9 The reviews of each separate quartet had on the whole been favourable and when the complete edition of Four Quartets was published at the end of October , there was general assent about his achievement .
10 Prayers in Jewtown over , the men would drift out onto the street , each separate group mingling with the others in a leisurely trading of news and gossip before eventually they entered their own homes where breakfast awaited them .
11 The so-called " excretory system " is very primitive , consisting of a canal within each lateral cord joining at the excretory pore in the oesophageal region .
12 Such units can either be used as measures , relative to some fixed point of interest ( including , crucially , the deictic centre ) , or they can be used calendrically to locate events in " absolute " time relative to some absolute origo , or at least to some part of each natural cycle designated as the beginning of that cycle ( Fillmore , 1975 ) .
13 He gave a fascinating slide show on climbing in his home country that had the Britishers gasping as each idyllic situation appeared on the screen .
14 Byron said that a number of small machines would be used to start each vital organ going at the same time : one machine for the brain , another a heart-machine , another a kidney-machine , and so on .
15 Consequently each identical section responds in the same way and , if is the transfer function of one section , the transfer function of the complete ladder of m sections is .
16 As each new incumbent arrives in the levels above you he will have a different idea from his predecessor as to how things should be done .
17 The exploration continued , with each new move made by the companies creating renewed community concern and opposition .
18 Each new arrival went around the room greeting individually every one present before finding a place to sit .
19 Similar optimism seems to have surrounded each new polymer to appear on the scene .
20 For each permanent activity shown on the map , how may it conflict with the use of land for any other purpose ?
21 Each family-sized field adds to the richness of its neighbours : the shiny , watery mass of barley heads next to the tall spears of broad-bean , the clumpy rows of oca with their bushy heads of clover-like leaves , the delicate purples of pea-flowers .
22 Then they felt that the most effective way of dealing with it would be for each main committee to look at the various aspects in detail , rather than take the and miss everything , best for each of the main committees to look in detail at each part .
23 Whether you have paid your £100 fee for the full year or £55 for a six-month licence , you entitled to a rebate of £8.33 for each whole month left on the licence disc .
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