Example sentences of "each [noun sg] is a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Generally at the head of each department is a chief officer with appropriate technical qualifications who advises councillors and implements policy in fields relating to his specialism .
2 Each boat is faster , and each change made to each boat is a progressive improvement .
3 Each bid is a separate offer and a contract is not made until the auctioneer accepts one of them .
4 Each work extends the ‘ augury ’ of Finnegans Wake : each work is a postmodernist paradigm , a prophecy of the self-reflexive foregrounding of language and fiction-making which has become a central , distinguishing characteristic of postmodernism .
5 For fast-moving animals , such as flies , bees and dragonflies , however , the ability to take in many images each second is a great advantage .
6 Each machine is a large protein molecule , put together under the influence of a particular stretch of DNA .
7 At the base of each projection is a basal body of nine fibres , from there nine rootlet fibres pass into the deeper layers of cytoplasm .
8 Situated around the base of each wing is a variable number of articular sclerites which consist of the tegulae , the humeral plate and the axillaries ( Fig. 27 ) .
9 each record is a complete information about one item on the file .
10 Associated with each vacancy is a fixed wage w which is a random draw from the density , which is assumed to be constant over time and known to the searcher .
11 The action chosen by the long-lived agent in each period is a linear function of its type .
12 Although the existence of monopoly power may provoke a government investigation , each investigation is a cost-benefit analysis attempting to identify the costs and benefits on a case by case basis .
13 I often think that our sociological relationships are like an action in which each person is a small knot so that we can influence the common situation in four directions .
14 However , if each enterprise is a different company , each company being in itself a separate and distinct legal entity and thus taxed separately , the balancing of profit and loss between the enterprises so as to minimize overall tax liability can not be achieved .
15 To regard them as rival teams which are first constituted and then begin to play against each other is a serious mistake .
16 Faith in each other is a lifelong process , beginning with trust in God .
17 Making clothes for each other is a traditional pleasure for Pakistani women .
18 And the idea of making everyone look like each other is a communist idea , yes ?
19 In the Bell-Szekeres solution , it has been shown that the hypersurface on which the opposing waves mutually focus each other is a Cauchy horizon rather than a curvature singularity .
20 The basic concept of a Streamline Student 's Book is that each page is a complete unit and in most cases the unit has one central teaching point .
21 When church statistics paint a picture of general decline , a movement which grows at the rate of two congregations each week is a striking feature .
22 The effective operation of an Individual programme plan ( IPP ) for each woman is a major casualty of the haphazard delivery of services .
23 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
24 the complexity of the law enables them to discover loopholes and multiple meanings in the vague and often ambiguous wording of corporate law(s) — the pursuit of each interpretation is a further delay in the case reaching a conclusion ;
25 Whatever their state of readiness and interest , each lesson is a constant stream of decision-making , and of matters of judgement , both large and small , about situations that are unprecedented , and for which there is insufficient time and usually not enough available information to be sure of getting it right .
26 On section , at the centre of each lesion is a small bronchus containing lungworms and mucopurulent exudate .
27 Each image is a complete story often told through a dense , receding picture space .
28 The inside of each binding is a compacted mass of yellowed fatty tissue in which whorls and furling can be seen , looking not unlike the surface of the cerebral cortex .
29 A donation from your club to the mayor 's charity each year is a small price to pay for some good coinshooting sites .
30 Each unit is a self-contained cost centre and has a list of deliverables and goals it must achieve .
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