Example sentences of "each [noun sg] of a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An instruction adds one to each field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the loop count field has reached zero .
2 If , for example , the saved material was to be inserted into a troff document , each instance of a saved Book-title could be prefixed by the string ‘ \fI ’ and followed by the string ‘ \fP ’ , thus causing the book title to appear in italics when formatted by troff .
3 Specifically properties can be set to insert strings before and after each instance of a particular context .
4 A further search of the area revealed mill-stones and a stone bridge some 20ft long , slightly arched , but with each end perfectly jointed into the bedrock on each side of a rushing stream .
5 Ten feet wide , the car was long enough to accommodate six oblong tables down each side of a wide aisle with four chairs at each : forty-eight seats , as promised .
6 The curtains swished open , gathering in swags at each side of a small stage , arranged as a grotto in a hushed , expectant woodland , with cardboard rocks .
7 There were to be two aisles , one at each side of a central block of pews and then pews at each side .
8 The compartments were arranged as : a bed sitting room with lavatory accommodation at one end for the two sisters ; next were two bedrooms with wardrobes , table for medical officers , these rooms placed each side of a well-equipped bathroom and lavatory .
9 As well as the loss of two doors , the new ZXs also drop the sideglass behind the C-pillar , gain fillets in the waistline each side of a thickened B-pillar , have door handles turned through 90degs , and are fitted with new rear bumpers , fatter C-pillars and rounded rear wheelarches .
10 There is continual improvement in standards , since each discovery of a flawed experiment is published and leads to the tightening of future procedures .
11 The pre-1974 local authority budget cycle was like this : each committee of a local council would discuss how much it would need to spend in the coming financial year , beginning in April .
12 The Glenfiddich Awards are being promoted through bookshops this year with an offer to each purchaser of a winning title ( Book News , 23rd April ) of a free bottle of Glenfiddich malt whisky .
13 An objective duty to balance potentially conflicting interests would present the courts with a near-impossible task and hence it is impracticable to impose one : not only would the court need to assess the likely impact on each group of a contested business policy , both in the short and long term , but also it would have to evaluate the policy in accordance with a theory which stipulated when one set of interests should prevail over the others .
14 Already programs are being written that will automatically define the amount of white space each character of a new type-face needs in which to breathe , if it is not to look cramped ( at the moment this time-consuming procedure is done by eye ) .
15 Obviously the modern sophisticated reader will know that one can use the highest points in each square of a fine grid or take the heights of points picked at random to provide data .
16 It assumes each age to be of equal significance and represents the total number of children born ( on average ) to each woman of a hypothetical cohort throughout her life .
17 DVI originally used a DEC VAX minicomputer to break each frame of a moving video image into about 250,000 pixels , to compare each pixel in one frame with the pixels in the next and to identify points with no change in them .
18 Because the smooth running of your Home management Account depends on your payment each month of a fixed amount into the Account , we are anxious to do everything we can to help if you become unemployed , or are unable to work through sickness or an accident .
19 On each activation of a particular process , the log file is extended .
20 ARSONISTS laid a meticulous fire-trail on each floor of a four-storey Teesside warehouse .
21 This gives researchers the ability to study the abilities of each hemisphere of a single brain separately .
22 This gives researchers the ability to study the abilities of each hemisphere of a single brain separately .
23 Such was Prussia , where a new system of recruiting , based on the allocation to each regiment of a defined area , a canton , upon which it could draw for its manpower , was introduced in the 1730s .
24 All that was needed was a computer at each end of a dedicated phone line , and software to allow computer to computer communications .
25 To beat the habit of taking an unnecessary emergency breath before speaking , practise this at home : shout ‘ Oy ! ’ before reciting each line of a chosen poem or song , then go on into the line without a breath .
26 There are plenty of cases in which each member of a co-operating group is better off than it would be on its own .
27 In a study of the association between family size and university education , each member of a random sample of all who graduated from a certain university in the last 20 years is asked for information on the number of brothers and sisters he or she has .
28 Similarly , James Bryce , chairman of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education , also looked on sectional interests as a danger to the common good because ‘ civilized societies ’ , he said , were progressing towards popular government and , given this direction , ‘ each member of a free community must be capable of citizenship ’ which involved ‘ Intelligence , Self-Control , Conscience ’ .
29 With no trouble in selling their products , Champagne houses should have been heartened by such healthy expansion , but theirs was a labour-intensive business , where every bottle produced was taken through each stage of a complex operation by hand .
30 You will find a table of each conventional stage ( see Appendix I ) , which lists every step , every letter , at each stage of a simple conveyancing matter .
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