Example sentences of "government was [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , because of its treaty obligations , the British Government was obliged to change the law on contempt of court .
2 This was particularly true in areas like West Belfast where the government was anxious to undermine the vote for Sinn Féin .
3 Voices were raised in support of rounding up all foreigners , but the government was unwilling to go the way of its predecessor in the first world war and order a general internment .
4 And the government was content to push the Bill through the Commons without the allocation of more Parliamentary time to it , despite the fact that it was a more substantial and complicated measure thanks to government intervention .
5 Present at that meeting was Walid Maroni , officially an Iraqi member of the UN press corps , who told them that his government was prepared to support the CLAO financially as well as in other ways .
6 The Government was prepared to subsidise the difference between this price and BC 's cost of production .
7 A devolution bill in the parliamentary session 1976–7 failed because of backbench Labour objections : the government was unable to carry the guillotine motion to curb debate which was essential if the bill was to reach the Statute Book .
8 An international treaty was signed by Prime Minister Edward Heath and President Georges Pompidou in November 1973 but the two general elections of 1974 delayed the necessary enabling legislation and the British government was unable to ratify the treaty by the agreed date of January 1 1975 .
9 There is little sign that the government was able to find the time or the inclination to assess sceptically the framework within which balance-of-payments policy was conducted .
10 Yet here too the government was careful to reserve the right to deal with cases it considered politically dangerous through administrative action outside the control of the courts .
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