Example sentences of "same [noun sg] [verb] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second contract could not be ignored since it was not an ‘ independent and disconnected ’ transaction ; the same buyer bought the same goods from the same seller .
2 It has been shown that a potency of a homoeopathic remedy has a higher viscosity than a straight dilution , without succussion , of the same remedy repeated the same number of times , suggesting that large molecules are present in the potency which do not occur in the straight dilution .
3 ( Ballet dancers of the same period used the same argument about applause during their performances . )
4 Rarely will two people doing the same job deserve the same wage .
5 A common response to the claim that I am making about observation , supported by the kinds of examples I have utilized , is that observers viewing the same scene from the same place see the same thing but interpret what they see differently .
6 Whether two different surfaces of the same area have the same radiation signature was generalised to the point where mathematicians asked if drums of the same perimeter and area , but different shape , had different sounds : could one hear the shape of a drum ?
7 A man brandishing a sword 100 feet away , preferably on the far side of a river , is a very different experience to the same man brandishing the same sword just 10 feet away .
8 But remember , the same effort reaps the same reward .
9 Rational actors in the same situation make the same choices , but only in so far as the situation is the same from within .
10 Another matter worth commenting on is the noticeable disparity in acceptability for the same adjective qualifying the same noun but with the remainder of the phrase varying .
11 This means that not only must all shareholders of the same class receive the same offer but , for instance , if the offeror subsequently buys shares in the market at a higher price he must increase his offer generally to that higher price .
12 The other group ( the " Explanation " group ) took the same time to cover the same materials .
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