Example sentences of "government [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Government remain committed to the Anglo-Irish Agreement unless and until agreement can be reached on new and more broadly satisfactory arrangements .
2 I am sickened to now learn that the Government has acquiesced to the other EC leaders on this issue at the Edinburgh Summit and that , for the sake of subsidiarity , this directive has been dropped .
3 The government has said to the European Community that , of the 7.7-percentage-points improvement it hopes to make in the total public-sector deficit between 1992 and 1996 — from 9.6% of GDP to 1.9% — more than half , 4.1 percentage points , is to come from extra taxes .
4 The Chinese government has said for the first time that it intends to try to stop the tiger trade .
5 The Icelandic government has withdrawn from the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) .
6 The Secretary of State wrote : ’ I can assure you that the action the company has taken has not been forced on it by any of the measures the Government has introduced following the MMC's report on the brewing industry . ’
7 It ought to be possible to tell within the next few weeks whether the measures the government has introduced over the past year are delivering the hoped-for results .
8 This Government has embarked on the first ever strategy for health .
9 The proposal is one of a number of voluntary interim measures to protect the UK coast line from accidental pollution from laden tankers which the Government has submitted to the International Maritime Organisation .
10 It wants the Interim Advisory Committee , which will determine the profession 's pay increase for the 1990-91 year , to be allowed to remedy the error by using new money over and above the £600m limit the Government has set on the global sum available for any increase .
11 Branson was fully aware that even if the Americans decided to grant permission , it was likely that it would not be given until a day or two before the flight — retaliatory treatment for the way the British government had delayed until the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute permission for People Express to fly into Britain .
12 The only change in the intervening period had been that the government had prepared for the threatened dispute while the Samuel Commission deliberated about the way in which to make the industry more efficient and profitable .
13 They said that something had to be done to put right the mess which the Government had made of the Self-Governing Schools etc .
14 On the face of it , the shooting looked like another bloody event in Irish history , but perhaps it was its timing — on the same day that the government had sat for the first time — that intrigued him , or perhaps it was Joe 's words : that his father and the men like him had died for Ireland were being betrayed .
15 Indeed , the Home Secretary , Mr Leon Brittan , took great pride in the fact that , unlike any of its predecessors , the Conservative Government had provided for the first time a clear and comprehensive statutory framework for the interception of communications .
16 from students now that the Government have conceded in the new council tax that students will not pay it .
17 Cold weather payments , child benefit and the dependency allowances are important matters on which the Government have cheated in the uprating statement .
18 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the measures introduced yesterday by our right hon. Friend the Chancellor , the harmonious industrial relations restored by the Government and the substantial investment from home and overseas mean that manufacturing in the heart of England is deeply grateful for all that the Government have done in the past 13 years ?
19 If , with the help of all the civil servants who advise Ministers and who sit under the Gallery and elsewhere , one worked on a policy to create crime , one could not come up with anything better than what the Government have created in the past 12 years .
20 I honestly believe that this is a a a financial exercise that the government have imposed on the criminal justice system .
21 The Government have capitulated on the flat rate principle , the property base and on accountability .
22 The Government have abandoned in the so-called council tax not only the rule that everybody has to pay but a key element of the poll tax — accountability .
23 The Minister said that the peak age for offending has risen to 18 from 15 , but he chose the end of the two-year period that I would describe as covering the most vulnerable young people on whom the Government have picked in the past 12 years .
24 Even given the expenditure that the Government have devoted to the public sector , there can not be many Ministers who find themselves in such a favourable position .
25 This is one issue on which the hon. Gentleman might have commenced his supplementary question by saying that most people in Wales are pleased with the way in which the Government have fought for the British lamb industry as a whole and that Welsh consignments have been fought for , too .
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