Example sentences of "government [verb] [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thatcher 's government sought to extend the financial incentives , encouraging doctors to undertake preventative health checks and reach immunisation and vaccination targets .
2 The government sought to offset the immediate effects of the price increases by a special bonus to public sector employees , equivalent to their July salary .
3 The next day he called a halt to the anti-Suchinda rallies , but warned that they would be resumed if the government failed to implement the constitutional changes .
4 Facing much the same problem in 1929 , a Labour government agreed to introduce the Alternative Vote ( AV ) .
5 Beset by mounting criticism at home , and abroad , over the way the issue had been handled , the Japanese government agreed to defer the fifth group of demands and in May 1915 delivered the remainder in the form of an ultimatum .
6 ‘ We deplore the manner in which the Government has ignored the united voice of the profession in respect of the composition of the Curriculum and Exams and Assessment Council , ’ stated the document , sent to the Department of Education .
7 Second ( under s.245B of the 1985 Act , as amended ) , the Government has authorized the Financial Reporting Review Panel to apply to the courts in cases where it believes that a company has not complied with the law .
8 Since 1981/2 , Central Government has assessed the basic expenditure needs of Local Authorities through a complex formula for determining Grant Related Expenditure ( GRE ) .
9 Although the Government has maintained the real value of the retirement pensions , its breaking of the link between state pensions and earnings ( see Part II ) is beginning to have a devastating effect on the relative income of the poorest pensioners .
10 The Chinese government has ratified the revised Montreal Protocol , the agreement which aims to cut the use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , which damage the ozone layer .
11 Since then , the Government has created the local enterprise companies , many of which have become involved in internationalisation programmes .
12 The British government has given the clearest signals yet that it intends to authorise the start-up of British Nuclear Fuels ' ( BNFL ) thermal oxide reprocessing plant ( THORP ) at Sellafield .
13 The government has waved the magic wand of legislation over longstanding curriculum problems : overload , differentiation , progression , examination domination .
14 And yet , at the same time , central government has imposed the National Curriculum on the education system which seems to move in the opposite direction .
15 Since the full extent of British Coal 's rationalisation plans became apparent , the Government has faced the combined opposition of an uncanny alliance between Arthur Scargill , the miners ' leader , and rebel Tory MPs with constituencies in mining areas .
16 Having created a viciously oppressive system of laws and rules , the government has found the right sort of people to operate it .
17 Your feature article ‘ Base Camp Blitz ’ ( March ) states that the Nepal government has doubled the trekking visa fee to $20 a day .
18 Er the situation is that what has happened is that government has lowered the mandatory ceiling from fifty thousand to twenty thousand .
19 Since the coup attempt on 3 February , your government has suspended the constitutional right to the freedom of expression of thought without prior censorship .
20 However , with money — as much as £400m — unforthcoming from Olympia & York , the Government has stalled the much-needed project .
21 The government has issued the first licence permitting the irradiation of food .
22 Since the first edition of this volume , the government has discontinued the low-income families statistical series and substituted it with a new series showing households below average income .
23 The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture as important contributions to workforce flexibility , and the restructuring process .
24 The government has sold the British Technology Group ( BTG ) to the consortium led by BTG 's management .
25 there has been an increasing acceptance that the government has improved the public sector 's own awareness of its stock of unused land which has , in part , been identified through the land register scheme .
26 A New Brutalist Conservative government has brought the moral Right in from the cold of post-60s permissive liberalism and has given it its head .
27 The Government has published the National Lottery Bill .
28 The authors give warning that the Government has drawn the wrong conclusions from its experience of the poll tax .
29 He said that his group would contest elections , but would not hesitate to take up arms again if the Sri Lankan government tried to suppress the Tamil movement .
30 The ‘ cities of inner despair ’ were conceived as the breeding ground for disorderly protest , and however hard the Government tried to break the causal link between the two , it was forced to take on board the need to restore order not only through the police but through promises of help for the inner cities .
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