Example sentences of "'m [not/n't] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now I would be the first to admit that I I 'm not a judge as accountant , I 'm an insurance broker er and erm I do n't understand er and I 'm not aware of all of the rules and regulations that affect accountants er and affect the way audits are carried out , b but I must say I was a bit surprised t to hear during the debate , er that that was really what the problem was , the problem with B C C I was this conflict of interest , that fraud was known and it was not declared er and er I think that these er these regulations should now make that considerably er more clear .
2 I 'm not a hater by nature .
3 Well I 'm I 'm sorry but I 'm not a lot of use to him if I let him just walk away from the shield .
4 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who things about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
5 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who thinks about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
6 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who things about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
7 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who thinks about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
8 I 'm not the kind of person who is afraid of letting a woman take charge professionally , personally — or sexually .
9 ‘ I 'm not the kind of person that talks about my problems — I 'd rather sort them out myself .
10 I 'm not the kind of person who spends all their free time glued to the telly .
11 That I 'm not the kind of woman who deliberately exercises her feminine wiles on unsuspecting males ?
12 ‘ Mr Blake , how can I convince you I 'm not the kind of woman you think I am ? ’
13 I 'm not the kind of fellow that 's going to creep to anybody , but I did n't cause aggravation unless I had to .
14 I 'm not the type of person to tell him straight out to go . ’
15 I 'm not the sort of person who gets what they want and then starts longing for something else .
16 I mean I 'm not the sort of person who can sit down and watch telly all day , you know
17 become And I 'm not the sort of person to sit around willy nilly any way .
18 You really ought to know that I 'm not the sort of person who fails to meet deadlines in her work . ’
19 I 'm not the sort of person you think I am . ’
20 but then , on the other hand , I 'm not the sort of person who , I mean , if it 's something like that I can ask people , but I 've got friends who are quite cheeky , who will ask things , I mean , like if somebody does something for me , I 'm like , are you sure , are you sure , you do n't mind , and like , I 'm like over the top the other way .
21 Now you know — everyone on the paper knows — I 'm not the sort of proprietor who meddles with editorial policy . ’
22 ‘ I 'm not the sort of wife you need , Julius .
23 I 'm not the sort of guy that sits around the house like you know .
24 erm but I 'm not the sort to sort of push meself forward in front of other people
25 I , I do n't , I 'm not an expert for poet , I , I , I feel about it , perhaps did n't
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