Example sentences of "going [to-vb] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
2 However , I was going to try to pull the right strings .
3 Well , we 're going to try to provide the first steps towards uniformity .
4 What formula are we going to find to get the ordinary people of Ulster to vote on real issues which concern them and not on the entrenched sectarian issues into which we are brainwashed .
5 ‘ But it turned out that Liz was also desperately worried about how she and Owen were going to manage to pay the huge hospital bills .
6 And this time we 're really going to get to see the Blue Grotto .
7 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
8 ‘ You 're going to have to describe the Mattli collection to me .
9 ‘ Look at the amount of playing and training the top rugby players do , ’ points out Barclay , who reckons that Scotland 's cricketers are now going to have to put the same amount of time and effort into their game to get to the top level .
10 Some of them are going to have to puzzle a little bit hard .
11 The problem in all such charity-backed schemes is that , whereas cash has been raised for buildings and equipment , somebody is going to have to fund the day-to-day running and staffing .
12 She was going to have to spend a second night at the motel , if only to continue their cover of an ‘ affair ’ .
13 He 's going to have to improve a little bit on his last win , but I think he can do that , so that 's the fourth leg of a yankee , trap one , Ambridge Power .
14 But shortly after settling in , she realised she was going to have to change the whole layout of the ground floor to accommodate a new kitchen .
15 I 'm just going to have to try a perpendicular approach and hope I can time my arrival to a point when the hole is passing in front of me . ’
16 But you 're all going to have to work a darned sight harder .
17 Now you ca n't actually park by casualty 's door , you 're going to have to park a little bit before that .
18 But before that the Royals are going to have to endure a disturbing time .
19 Somehow , the party is going to have to find a better way of operating this time round .
20 He is going to have to keep a straight face , and deal with it .
21 anyway we , we had a petition that when it came up that er , that the new E E C rules were coming in that they would , they 'd going to have to have a clean way if you are you are and a dirty way out you know
22 I also think that we are going to have to have an ecological assessment to make sure that there are no special habitats there .
23 At Twickenham , he is going to have to play a full part in a Scottish back-row who — which has not been the case for some years — will be having to cope with , in Dewi Morris and Stuart Barnes , not only a breaking scrum-half , but a running stand-off who attacks the gain-line .
24 ‘ And if you leave here , I 'm afraid I 'm going to have to make a few phone calls .
25 But if if if if you are saying that calculation of housing provision includes conversions , I 'm somewhat some guidance on how much provision will have to made from new built sites , and somebody 's going to have to make an intelligent assumption about how much is coming forward from conversions .
26 Obviously no one is going to want to trace every little statement back to its original source every time : life would be unbearable if we were to do this .
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