Example sentences of "going [verb] [prep] the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think if we are going to go into the next century with any real chance of providing proper education and training in the sixteen to nineteen age range , we need to do the job properly , and frankly I think the offer in Banbury at the moment is not up to scratch .
2 The problem can be quite severe , er we 've had a number of penalties introduced by customs and excise over the last few years but what we 're going to see from the 1st April in this year is interest being charged on overdue moneys paid to customs and excise and also a penalty charged where people make a mistake on their VAT returns , even where they make those mistakes quite innocently .
3 ‘ And most likely going to sit at the next table . ’
4 In fact everything was going to plan until the third day when the crowd got to him .
5 I 'm going to write about the first time I met G.P.
6 Is he guaranteeing to tell us where everyone of the cooks is going to come at the next Policy Meeting .
7 I 'm just I 'm just going to I 'm just going to talk about the second thing anyway .
8 But I think Freud would have also gone on to say that he had very good reason for resenting Wilson , because he blamed Wilson personally for the unjust peace , after er Versailles , but er , was indirectly , many people would argue , going to lead to the Second World War , and er , so Freud 's defence I think would be , this man really was responsible .
9 Hi I 'll just just show you what er well Kerry 'll 'll show you she knows what er what we 're what you 're going to do over the next day or so do n't you .
10 What are our enlightened descendants going to do about the fourth element , Earth ?
11 I 'd be very interested to know er in terms of U turns which I 'll come back to , how he 's going to deal with the next item on the agenda er , whereby the Liberal Democrats have been consistent about their policy in general with a lot of obstruction and being caused problems and how Mr will agree in this chamber to actually close some people 's homes , old people 's homes
12 If you 'd like to take those away with you will actually erm reinforce some of the things that I 'm going to say during the next hour .
13 As for the hoped-for recasting of the ‘ community charge ’ , nothing short of transferring education to central government — which is simply not going to happen before the next election — can reduce it to a politically painless level .
14 It was never going to happen before the next Parliament , if ever . ’
15 It was never going to happen before the next Parliament , if ever . ’
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