Example sentences of "going on [prep] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I 've bought my sons their shirts I 'm going on to a good academic bookshop to get an item for myself — a book called something like Syntax and Significance : A Cognitive Approach .
2 You can eat octopus dunked in ouzo in a tiny harbourside taverna before going on for a five star dinner at an international restaurant .
3 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
4 Ramped Craft Logistic and mexeflote rafts had been arriving regularly throughout the night , continuing the build-up of vehicles and ammunition Which had been going on for the past two days .
5 The whiplash dynamics of Batman Returns represent the culmination of a process that has been going on for the last 15 years .
6 PLENTY of barmy things going on for the next few days , as the Festival of Comedy gets underway .
7 There I mean there was nothing like the bombing that 's been going on , well , at least that 's what we 're told , the bombing that 's been going on over the last twenty four , forty eight hours of Baghdad for instance .
8 The Greek revolts which had been going on since the early eighteen twenties .
9 ‘ Danny will be going on about the fair all night now , ’ said David as the bus disappeared through the factory gates , then as they turned away he asked , ‘ Are you on duty tomorrow ? ’
10 ‘ We inhabitants of the post-historical world ’ , he trumpets , ‘ will have to keep in mind that the truly fundamental transformation in world politics are not going on in a desolate Middle Eastern desert , but back in cette vielle Europe which was the cradle of the idea of human freedom ’ .
11 The other programme was the field theory initiated by Faraday , according to which electrical phenomena can be explained in terms of actions going on in the medium surrounding electrified bodies and electric circuits , rather than in terms of the behaviour of a substance within them .
12 Fact is , I do n't want them to see what 's going on in the next few hours .
13 The traditional " absent mindedness " of a professor represents a concentration on some subject removed from the daily life going on around the poor old man .
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