Example sentences of "does not [verb] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the employers ' central confederation ( BDA ) does not engage in collective bargaining and , although it does provide information and guidance to its affiliates via its collective bargaining coordination committee , its pronouncements on wages take the form of non-binding recommendations .
2 However , although the overall price rise permitted has been fixed , this does not prevent BT from increasing different tariffs at different rates ( provided it does not engage in Predatory pricing ) .
3 The word ‘ bound ’ begs a number of questions , and does not appear in other writers ' views .
4 There are no ghost references in any of the town 's histories and Stamford does not appear in national ghost hunting books .
5 Strange , perhaps , that the conservative should be more optimistic than the radical , but it is notable that Brideshead does not end in Orwellian despair .
6 It is difficult to record colour objectively : people 's appreciation of colours obviously vary and , in any case , Nucella does not exist in discrete colour morphs .
7 The concept of deeds or documents under seal does not exist in Hungarian law .
8 It must be ensured that the process of reorganisation does not result in lasting damage to competition [ and ] Community law must therefore include provisions governing those concentrations which may impede effective competition in the common market or in a substantial part of it .
9 It is important to note that the preferential creditors are given priority where a receiver is appointed with respect to a charge ‘ which , as created , was a floating charge ’ ; thus the fact that the charge has crystallised at the time a receiver is appointed does not result in preferential debts being denied their statutory priority .
10 In addition , it can be demotivating for staff who are subjected to a prolonged investigation that does not result in tangible benefits that offset the level of disturbance caused .
11 This leads to questions about why these groups miss out , why their inferiority does not result in social disorder and more generally what barriers exist to prevent the mobilization of action to correct their ‘ cruel handicaps ’ ?
12 This does not matter in normal situations , because the radius of curvature of space-time is very large compared to the uncertainty in the position of a particle .
13 We have shown that information does not sit in discrete reservoirs waiting to be tapped .
14 Unlike gold , native silver does not occur in alluvial deposits , but has to be won from veins in mountainous regions or recovered by metallurgical processes from natural alloys or ores .
15 It does not occur in western Europe A large stout worm up to 4.5 cm long , with a prominent buccal capsule and transparent cuticle through which the internal organs may be seen ( P1.III ) .
16 Social embarrassment , duly fictionalised , is an odd commodity to export , and it does not figure in official balance-of-payments figures ; but it has been selling around the world since Fielding 's Tom Jones and Scott 's Waverley , not to mention Wodehouse 's Bertie Wooster .
17 Murten does not lie in Bernese Mittelland today but in the neighbouring canton of Fribourg .
18 The analysts we interviewed have the highest regard for Wellcome 's annual report and are confident that the company does not indulge in creative accounting or any other dubious practices .
19 Does * mean necklaces may be worn if a member of staff does not work in high risk areas .
20 But they would also make a more damning inquiry : ‘ If the Labour Party does not believe in democratic socialism , what is the Labour Party for ? ’
21 ‘ She does not believe in Western culture .
22 We have known for a number of years that we with every other council in the land , are facing the government that does not believe in local government .
23 It certainly does not apply in tertiary education in colleges .
24 With a really good discussion leader the various members will all be drawn into the exchange of views and members can thus stimulate each other in a way that does not happen in individual interviews .
25 In this case I would think that , if the minister does not act in good faith , or if he acts on extraneous considerations which ought not to influence him , or if he plainly misdirects himself in fact or in law , it may well be that a court would interfere ; but when he honestly takes a view of the facts or the law which could reasonably be entertained , then his decision is not to be set aside simply because thereafter someone thinks that his view was wrong …
26 If an Act of Parliament says that A ( who may be a minister or a commission or a local authority or an individual ) shall be the person to settle certain specified questions and that there shall be neither appeal to nor review by any other body or person ( including the courts ) , then A's decisions are unchallengeable so long as ( a ) it is A , not another , who decides , ( b ) A decides those specified questions and not others and ( c ) A does not act in bad faith or with similar impropriety .
27 He does not mix in dubious company like Prince George ( the late Duke of Kent ) .
28 There is substance in this argument ; and it is particularly revealing ( as already noted by Voigt ) that the work follows the scheme used by Gaius , which otherwise does not feature in juristic writings .
29 We can disregard ( 3 ) , which is a prime concern of the EC but does not feature in international Conventions , and concentrate on the others .
30 Various other improvements were made , including the use of mercury , which does not freeze in cold climates in winter .
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