Example sentences of "does not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It does not inspire Gedge on a lyrical level but Solowka and himself have maintained many of their earlier convictions , although they remain fairly concealed .
2 Similarly , although each of the jurisdictions has divided the traditional offence of rape into several categories , this in itself does not necessitate abandonment of the term rape .
3 Failure to establish guilt in the criminal court does not preclude consideration of a child 's need for protection in which the child 's welfare will be paramount .
4 Under s. 1(4) , the duty is to take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case to see that the non-visitor does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned .
5 Section 1(4) states that the duty is : " to take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case to see that he does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned " .
6 But as Carl Simonton , the radiation oncologist prominent in the holistic health movement , and others point out , this does not isolate diet as the sole or even the main cause and it is likely that cultural factors , for which Japan is unique among industrialised nations , may be more significant ( Simonton et al .
7 Second , there are situations in which the regulatory rule sets a less onerous standard than the general law but does not prohibit compliance with the higher standard , raising the question of whether the rule offers a " safe harbour " for those who comply with it .
8 Compliance with one set of rules or standards does not ensure compliance with the other .
9 Exclusion of liability for breach of warranty does not cover breach of a condition ( Wallis Son & Wells v Pratt & Haynes [ 1911 ] AC 394 ; Baldry v Marshall [ 1925 ] 1 KB 260 ) .
10 The idea does not reap the success it deserves , however , since among other things Wulstan does not make allowance for the fact that even within the corpus of vocal music the performing medium was not uniform .
11 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
12 Although the Act does not make reference to the current climate of opinion about sexual explicitness , juries in obscenity trials are enjoined to keep in mind the current standards of ordinary decent people .
13 Masculinity is defined by what it is not ; the term ‘ masculinity ’ does not make sense without a knowledge of the term ‘ femininity ’ .
14 They agree that theological discourse does not make sense in the terms of ordinary language , but whereas for one this effectively consigns theology to the dustbin , for the other it gives it the same sort of status as speaking in tongues .
15 The reply , then , it can be said , does not make use of a feature of effects independent of their being necessitated events , which feature can be used to argue that they are necessitated events .
16 The order does not confer ownership of the seabed , but is designed to stop rustling of stock introduced to the sea .
17 i ) In the case where a court order has not yet been made , the nature of the cautioner 's interest may be shown as : the former wife of the registered proprietor having made application for a property adjustment order under s24 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 by proceedings in the [ Manchester ] County Court between [ husband ] and [ wife ] bearing number of matter ii ) In the case where the court order in favour of the wife has been made , but the transfer has not yet been executed and lodged in HM Land Registry and no earlier caution has been registered this might be : the registered proprietor [ husband ] has been ordered to transfer all his estate and interest in the property to [ wife ] by an order made in the [ Manchester ] County Court dated in proceedings between [ husband ] and [ wife ] bearing number of matter Unless a caution is registered there is risk ; before lodging the transfer the wife 's solicitor will make a Form 94C search , but such search does not confer priority for the registration of any dealing ( Land Registration ( Official Searches ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 1361 ) , r9 ) .
18 In the latter case ( unless the wife is purchasing the property or the mortgagee is advancing monies when the ordinary search Form 94A is appropriate ) a search on Form 94C should be made , although such a search does not confer priority for the registration of any dealing ( Land Registration ( Official Searches ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 1361 ) , r9 ) and in contrast to Form 94A requires a fee of £8 ( Land Registration Fees Order 1992 ) .
19 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
20 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
21 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
22 This plant exports the chips to Japan for processing but the scheme to replace the original forest with plantation to sustain the plant indefinitely has foundered because it has not been demonstrated that timber-growing is a worthwhile economic activity that does not threaten ownership of the land .
23 Finally , evidence from what was arguably the most traumatic period for capitalism , the post-1929 Depression in the United States , does not lend support to the real-balance hypothesis : ‘ For the 1929–32 period as a whole there was an increase in real balances of 42 per cent , and a decrease in real income of 40 per cent ’ ( Patinkin , 1951 ) .
24 Remember that ‘ survival value ’ here does not mean value for a gene in a gene pool , but value for a meme in a meme pool .
25 It is certified that the transaction effected by this Assignment does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value , or the aggregate amount or value , of the consideration exceeds 30,000 .
26 It is certified that the transaction effected by this Agreement does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value , or the aggregate amount or value , or the consideration exceeds £30,000 .
27 It is certified that the transaction effected by this Agreement does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value , or the aggregate amount or value , or the consideration exceeds £30,000 .
28 8 IT IS CERTIFIED that the transaction effected by this Agreement does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or the aggregate amount or value , or the consideration exceeds £30,000 .
29 21.1 It is certified that the transaction effected by this Agreement does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value , or the aggregate amount or value , of the consideration exceeds £30,000 .
30 This is defined as a goods vehicle which does not form part of a vehicle combination and has a relevant plated weight not exceeding 3500kg , or ( not having a plated weight ) has an unladen weight not exceeding 1525kg .
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