Example sentences of "does not [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , if the scheme is viewed as one that does not tax interest on savings , then more consumption in the future can be financed from a given volume of savings and those seeking a target future consumption can meet it with a lower level of current savings .
2 We can not rightly attribute to the Spirit any teaching which does not shed light on Jesus , or any religious experience which is not congruous with the life of Jesus .
3 However , the Act of 1988 does not govern access to quotas but the registration of fishing vessels and therefore affects access to all sea-fishing activities , including fishing for species not subject to quotas .
4 The comparatively puny damages of £1,000 ( the cost of a dozen bottles of champagne at the expensive nightclub where the affair had begun ) and the public ridicule suffered by all parties may serve to remind editors of the wisdom of the adage that " dog does not eat dog in Fleet Street " .
5 He does not waste time on definitions .
6 Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals , legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance .
7 Strangely , this section does not mention modification of childbearing patterns among the measures that may serve this goal , while expressly stating that : " Sustained reductions in fertility have generally been preceded by reductions in mortality .
8 The only proposition with which they could be eliciting an agreement is that made by A : but it does not make sense for B to elicit an agreement with A's proposition .
9 5.12.4 Unless the Landlord shall otherwise direct to carry out and complete before the expiry of the Term any works required to be carried out to or in the Premises as a condition of any planning permission which may have been granted during the Term irrespective of the date by which such works were required to be carried out It is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant not only complies with planning legislation but also does not make application for planning permission without the landlord 's consent .
10 It has been suggested that because Rolle does not make use of Richard of St Victor 's fourth stage , insatiabilis the love that can never be satisfied because of the inexhaustible nature of God , he did not in fact enter so profound a mystical experience as others .
11 Bogwood requires some weeks if not months , of soaking to remove the bulk of the tannins it contains — one does not varnish bogwood for Uaru tanks , as then eat the varnish and then die .
12 Indeed , if it could be shown that any content is possible consistent with the general requirements of justice , then ‘ justice ’ or ‘ natural law ’ would be stripped of their critical function whereby that which does not exhibit conformity of content with ‘ justice ’ or with ‘ natural law ’ is disqualified as law or , at least , is in some way a law less compelling upon conscience .
13 ( Note that the Bank of England does not regard cash in tills as a reserve asset .
14 It does not want intimacy in order to love , in order to grow .
15 It restricts the mobility of the family , it does not create pride of ownership , it does not give a sense of belonging within the community , it encourages crime and with the resultant loss of personal safety .
16 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
17 This does not mean separation from sinners , in a sense of isolation and self-satisfaction like the monks of Qumran ; instead , it means involvement with needy , fallen , spoiled humanity , following the example and endued with the Spirit of him who was a friend of tax gatherers and sinners .
18 Most of this legislation is of a ‘ regulatory ’ nature and does not give rise to liability in damages .
19 The principle that an equitable lease does not give rise to privity of estate has several important exceptions .
20 They conclude that the easterly route does not give value for money and can not be justified on any conceivable cost benefit analysis , or on any opportunity cost analysis , or on any orthodox accounting analysis .
21 Even if a will does not give property to trustees , the property , whether real or personal , does not go directly to those for whose benefit it is given , nor does property passing on intestacy go directly to those entitled under the rules above stated .
22 ‘ The settlement does not suggest admission of wrongdoing by any of the parties and is intended to avoid the expense and distraction that would accompany continued litigation , ’ the four said a joint statement last night .
23 As he reaches the first solo stage , therefore , the pupil must either achieve a standard of flying which does not leave room for criticism , or he must learn to accept the particular instructor 's comments as fair and helpful .
24 The Oxford Record Linkage Study does not collect information about prescriptions but data are collected about admissions to hospital for peptic ulcer .
25 One problem is that the government does not collect information on wealth for tax purposes .
26 The community does not hold land in perpetuity : no Piaroa can ‘ own ’ land , nor can the community .
27 He does not hold sin against people .
28 This sexual activity does not prevent competition for females and the eventual acquisition of a harem .
29 Gravelle ( 1985 ) points to an implicit assumption which , when relaxed , gives rise to one of them : " that either no managerial effort is required to reduce costs or that such effort does not yield disutility to managers ' ( p. 115 ) .
30 The Court held that marriage does not imply consent to fellatio .
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