Example sentences of "still [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She retains a liveliness of mind which is quite extraordinary under the circumstances and she still displays a keen sense of humour and a warmth of contact despite the fact that she has to use a machine .
2 Music still plays a large part in his life and one of the great thrills of filming Consenting Adults was the opportunity to jam with Atlanta blues musicians .
3 We do not have to go quite so far afield to find another language which still plays a considerable part in our daily conversation .
4 Durkheim 's investigations into religion , with their historic results , were prompted by the fact that he saw religion as the major source of values and , despite increasing secularisation , religion still plays an influential role in society 's moral codes .
5 The musical tradition of Free Churches originated in the singing of metrical psalms by the whole congregation , and psalm-singing still plays an important part in their worship .
6 In Central South we 're landlocked but boating still plays an important part in our leisure and local economy … so let's set sail to London to see the show
7 The line still represents a real challenge to footplate crews and one of the major attractions as far as enthusiasts are concerned is to hear the engines working under pressure on the slopes of the Rheidol Valley .
8 But this still represents an annualised yield of 12.9 per cent — 4.3 per cent above the average rise in the RPI over this period .
9 Hirsch is here defiantly looking back to something like the spirit which , in England , inspired the Newbolt Report and Scrutiny in its heyday , and which no doubt still evokes a sympathetic response in teachers on both sides of the Atlantic .
10 The Tobago offers a combination of speed , style , some luxury , but still offers a basic simplicity with a fixed undercarriage , which should equate to modest maintenance costs .
11 The Easter rising of 1916 as an act of national liberation , unquestioned in the dominant catholic — nationalist culture from 1922 until well into the 1960s and 1970s , still holds a cherished place in the hearts of the majority of the people .
12 But it is known that he still holds a soft spot for Portadown where his combative midfield drive played a huge part in the County Armagh club 's championship successes in 1990 and 1991 .
13 Condemned to death for a work of fiction , Rushdie still has round-the-clock protection , still lives a strange half-life of hide-outs , a hostage to hatred .
14 If there are 2 or 300 people outside , the gig is sold out , and that term still has a certain magic in the music industry .
15 The Grange has always been a happy house and still has a faint atmosphere of piety , fully intended by Mr Teulon .
16 The group still has a genuine commitment to fanzines .
17 Despite damage caused by the Great Fire of 1675 , Northampton still has a rich variety of historic buildings and churches for visitors to enjoy .
18 Then came France , and now even Spain — which , like other Mediterranean countries , still has a strong tradition of small local shops .
19 The drapery still has a formalised austerity of line , while the figures are serene and of a stylised , elongated proportion ( PLATES 58 , 59 and 60 ) .
20 He 's a great leader and although he has done so much , he still has a great future in front of him . ’
21 I was from a family in Northern California , about thirty miles out of San Francisco ; I had an older brother who had and still has a great collection of 45s , but we were actually swimmers .
22 And the Fifth still has a great fascination for me — in particular , how to bring off the very end of the work .
23 Even if Hanson holds on to the British end of the ARC operation , it still has a long list of ConsGold assets to offload including :
24 Not yet sixteen , Dick still has a youthful attitude to adventure and the new challenge makes him feel , as he says , like a tightrope walker ; but , to the reader , the impetus of personality has somehow been lost .
25 Gorilla Diana still has a soft spot for zoo-keeper Mike
26 ‘ She still has a soft spot for you . ’
27 Naff plebeian drugs , junk food , hoary sexism , a love of trash culture … hip hop and hardcore share all these , but where hip hop still has a guiding notion of cool ( both music and style are minimal ) neo-hardcore is prepared to LET IT ALL HANG OUT horribly ; the corset of cool has been ruptured and all manner of banished and forbidden rock memories have sprawled free … grotesquerie embraced as a defiant gesture against the sound track of yuppie culture — sleek , chic , designer pop-soul .
28 The Government still has a myopic attitude to spending .
29 ‘ But he still has a malignant disease in the background .
30 He is about fifty and still has a full head of jet black slicked-back hair , Elvis-style .
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