Example sentences of "still [adj] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if she were still alive at the time of his second marriage , nearly twenty years later , then it was bigamous . ’
2 Most if it he knew : the copyright on his works to his wife Viola ; the manuscripts to his former wife Hilda Machin ; a small sum of money to his mother , still alive at the time of the making of the will .
3 Nequam , in his Supplementum Defectuum , implies that Adam was still alive near the time of his own arrival at the little bridge , around 1175 .
4 Others have been returned after this date , and some are still outstanding at the time of writing .
5 It seems that whatever Saxon settlement there had been was so devastated during the Norman advance of 1070 that it was still uninhabited at the time of the survey in 1086 .
6 Temperatures will level off at a cool eight or nine degrees celsius , that 's forty six to forty eight fahrenheit- although it is Novemver , still cool for the time of year .
7 The procedure is designed to give a " right of reply " instead of an action for damages in cases where the media have behaved responsibly : the plaintiff can not succeed if the defendant proves that an " offer of amends " was made in good time , and is still open at the time of the trial .
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