Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [to-vb] about [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Retiring NCS chairman Sir Martin Wood said that it had ‘ no axe to grind about the past — nobody knew how promising [ high temperature superconductivity ] would become .
2 Monthly repayments are fixed throughout the term of the loan so there is no need to worry about a change in interest rates !
3 At this present time there is no need to worry about the UNFORMAT information DOS will place on your disk as it formats , or giving the disk a LABEL — this latter being a personal title you may wish to code each disk with .
4 Harwell Laboratories says there 's no need to worry about the possibility of job losses as a result of this weekend 's merger with Culham Laboratory .
5 There is no need to worry about the duration of a record .
6 West Mercia Police which carried out the original murder inquiry said it would have no comment to make about the case before the conclusion of Eddie Browning 's appeal hearing .
7 Lawrence had no comment to make about the letter , but fans sprang to the defence of Pollock , who has emerged from nowhere as a midfield star of the future .
8 That 's no way to talk about a lady ! ’
9 But the Collector had no time to worry about the locomotion of corpses ; this doorway had to be held until the defenders on the other side of the staircase had made good their retreat .
10 This put all other thoughts to one side and I had no time to worry about the captain .
11 ‘ Often , ’ says Pitkeathley , ‘ they become carers with no time to plan , no time to think about the effect on their lives .
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