Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Although claims in negligence for purely financial loss do not generally succeed , it was held that this claim by the owner against the nominated sub-contractor could succeed in negligence ( i.e. even though there was no contract between the owner and sub-contractor ) .
2 Got no er no change at the moment that 's the only problem .
3 However , there was no change in the strategy and policies adopted by the General Council of the TUC .
4 The findings of a major study in Sheffield between 1976 and 1978 lent ‘ no support to the view that formal action encourages parents to ensure that their children attend more regularly in the future ’ .
5 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
6 There was , however , no support for the proposition that establishments with a dominant market position or insensitive to their competitors " pricing behaviour were less likely to use temporary workers .
7 The fact that most practices ' referral rates had increased in the second phase of the study provides no support for the view that first wave fundholders had artificially increased their rates of referral in the preparatory year to enable them to make budgetary savings in the subsequent year , although their rates were higher than those of the controls in phase 1 .
8 Mr Porter had said if loyalists did so they would get no support from the House or the country .
9 If they do , or even think of so doing , they will get no support from the House or the country , and no sympathy , direct or indirect .
10 The little party , under a ‘ general ’ with no faith in the enterprise and with an ‘ admiral ’ lacking ships , was irrevocably committed to going on .
11 Given this , the clitoris was rather a problem , because to argue from biology and physiology gave one no defence against the fact that the clitoris was the female organ of pleasure .
12 There was initial improvement but now there is no response to the remedy and the same symptoms are still present .
13 The local nationalist paper , the Derry Journal , gleefully published McCann 's statement on 2 May , but there was no response from the mayor or the Londonderry Sentinel .
14 At Bragança there was no response from the tower as we transmitted our intentions , landed and taxied in to the little apron .
15 ‘ We 're all fine , there 's no damage to the building and we 've been able to continue broadcasting without interruption , ’ she assured him , her voice sharp as resentment rose , and she went on to inform him of the decision she had taken .
16 But the thriller element does no damage to the message and helps the story along for even the most committed viewer .
17 The next day was fair and washed with a spent air about it and strangely there seemed no damage to the house and none of the crumbling-looking old stones on the outer wall had fallen .
18 Mr Crowe emphasised the achievement was no flash in the pan but the result of continuous improvement over several years .
19 You come into the building society and you 're , you 've got no money in the world and you owe twenty pounds and I say oh we 'll take that away , we 'll take that minus twenty away .
20 Because unlike the marmots , the rats had no resistance to the disease that the fleas carried .
21 Likewise , unlike the Labour party , my party and its predecessor have had no difficulty with the proposition that if we create a Scottish Parliament with the kind of effective deveolution which the Bill proposes , the case for the retention of the same numbers of Members of Parliament who presently come from Scotland to Westminster would be weakened .
22 However , we have no difficulty with the idea that cycles should be fitted with lights .
23 LET us have no patience with the enemy or anyone whose veins carry his blood . ’
24 She stared and stared until there was no division between the lake and her mind .
25 But it must never be forgotten that , if this happens , it happens by accident : it can be no part of the system that pupils should be entered for a test because of the age they are or the class they are part of .
26 They had wanted no part of the terror and the bloodshed , and they had hidden in the mountains and the caves and the remote Northern Isles .
27 It decided to take no part on the footing that sufficient documents for prosecution purposes had already been obtained from the defendants by the Crown Prosecuting Service .
28 In the ordinary case , the borrower plays no part in the choice and has no right to do so .
29 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
30 She took no part in the exclaiming and protesting and analysing nor would she indulge in speculation as to what had really happened or as to why the letter of authority had not been used against Ellen .
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