Example sentences of "more than [adj] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The population of more than 300,000 at the time of Cook 's arrival had plummeted to less than 40,000 by the end of the nineteenth century .
2 They were permitted into it only when giving evidence and not more than one at a time .
3 The DJ provided a link between the music and the audience and his or her commentary on the music became an integral part of the performance , which often involved a variety of other " special effects " such as " scratching " the records , playing more than one at a time , and so on .
4 He said that we should travel in pairs — never more than two at a time — so as not to arouse suspicion if we met any Germans or Fascists .
5 They came into the possession of my son Hilbert John Adam Verne-Smith under my uncle 's will , bypassing myself , though my son was no more than nineteen at the time of my uncle 's death .
6 Circulation , which peaked at more than 100,000 at the height of Ulster 's violence , had fallen to around 20,000 after the rival Sunday Life , owned by Thomson Regional Newspapers , started publishing a few years ago .
7 The project has now taken the population from 18 animals to more than 300 at the end of the 1991 breeding season .
8 The intended beneficiary of this dynastic coup was Osred ( II ) , the son of King Alhred by Osgifu , Aelfwald 's sister , a youth of no more than 19 at the time , who reigned for a year but then fell a victim to further shifts of allegiance when in 789 he was taken prisoner , deprived of his kingdom , tonsured at York and expelled , and Aethelred , son of Aethelwald , resumed royal power ( ASC D , s.a. 788 , 789 ) .
9 In many cases a group would divide into sub-groups and work on more than three at a time .
10 She spoke quite often of snowy landscapes glimpsed through carriage windows and small hands curled up in a muff made of grey fur , even though she could not have been more than three at the time .
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