Example sentences of "no more than the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With no more than the occasional nudge on the tiller , Hope had steered Joseph Robinson to an inventory of his property , his cattle , his inn-sales , his fields , his sheep , goats , fowl and fishing rights .
2 We must learn to hold ourselves and move with an economy of effort , using no more than the appropriate amount of energy for any activity .
3 All the platinum ever mined would fill no more than the average living room .
4 My fear of a remote danger may be almost driven from mind by current emotions ; but to decide to take precautions I need no more than the faint tremor as I glimpse what the consequences of neglect would be like , I do not have to maintain the stimulus to action by living in constant terror until the danger has passed .
5 However much he might desire her , she would have no more than the allotted space in his life .
6 Ask a modern psychic and he will suggest that a poltergeist is no more than the manifesting energy of a disturbed human being .
7 However , my predecessor , Bishop John Bickersteth , who for many years had been an advocate for issues of conservation , quite rightly protested that the Archbishop was saying no more than the biblical tradition states !
8 So , was the great Reform Bill of 1832 , as some have seen it , no more than the minimal concession to undeniable demand for change ?
9 The final figure was , in fact , no more than the appreciated sum of what Union Carbide had originally offered in 1986 !
10 The baselines may amount to no more than the total number of times each behaviour is noticed in a one hour session every day for a week .
11 By really understanding our Buyers ' needs we cut out time wasting and abortive visits and ensure you pay no more than the correct price in this mixed market .
12 After all he is no more than the chief executive officer of government , his province is not to make but to execute the laws .
13 Some may say yes and some may say no and it will have all the appearance of a decision being made , but the real structure may have been no more than the bland question/answer relationship between the teacher-in-role and the class .
14 The comment that all of this prompts is first , that it amounts to no more than the well-understood case for good personnel management in conventionally organised manufacturing or service industry .
15 He could see that the flap of cloth gaped open , but in the dark could make out no more than the vague shape of her legs , her stomach .
16 He strained his eyes but could make out no more than the vague outline of Ngo Van Loc 's face in the darkness .
17 He , after all , found her quite as repulsive as she found him and , as the two of them waltzed from oven to sink , from window to cutlery drawer , staring up , down , sideways , anywhere but at each other , Henry had always assumed that this was no more than the usual politesse of a failed English , suburban marriage .
18 I can see his point of view , and will take the opportunity to express my appreciation of those farmers who cheerfully give permission with no more than the usual reminder to shut the gates .
19 No more than the current proof-print will be lost in the event of failure occurring during the proof-printing of single entries .
20 Herbert told me that his government , saddened by so many post-war feature films in which heroic Allies and horrid Nazis went on refighting old battles ( to me no more than the modern equivalent of cowboys and Indians ) was much impressed by the non-partisan nature of my films and books , and intended to give public expression of their approval .
21 For taxpayers , there are the building society TESSAs which allow interest to be credited gross , so long as the original capital remains untouched for five years and no more than the net interest is withdrawn .
22 The Divisional Court said that this did not matter and was not caught by section 78 , which the judges stressed was concerned with no more than the narrow question of the effect of the police practice on the fairness of the proceedings in court .
23 I myself would claim no more than the natural store of a questioning mind . ’
24 Its object was to reduce disparity in sentences of imprisonment , and to remove the difficulty which judges faced when Parliament had told them no more than the maximum sentence for a particular crime : see Reflections on the English Sentencing System by Professor Sir Rupert Cross , Child & Co .
25 It begins just after Gregory King 's population estimate in 1695 of 5.3 million ( Glass 1965a ) ; possibly no more than the medieval peak .
26 Fourth , it compares the British experience with trends in other western states in the 1980s , has the so-called Thatcher revolution been no more than the British reflection of trends apparent elsewhere ?
27 The farmer was a remote and authoritarian figure and personal contact was often limited to no more than the weekly payment of wages .
28 The news brought back by Colonel Moore after what they had all supposed was no more than the formal punctuation had almost panicked her .
29 His final decision is in favour of whichever proves stronger , but the stronger for perhaps no more than the brief spell of fullest awareness in which he decides , afterwards to be panic-stricken at having committed himself to a choice which none the less he still knows in his heart was right .
30 I 'm afraid it may be no more than the zoological equivalent of chauvinistic snobbery , analogous to the attitude that sees every Australian as an uncouth swagman with not much under his hat and corks dangling round the brim .
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