Example sentences of "no one [modal v] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 For a regiment which has its headquarters at Edinburgh Castle and which recruits its officers largely from the city , the appointment of Rifkind , the member for Edinburgh Pentlands , will do the Royal Scots ' ( motto : No one may touch me with impunity ) case no harm at all .
2 They were jostled by smart young people , and no one would do anything for them .
3 He was held up again when he needed to turn into Mulfords Hill because no one would let him into the flow .
4 She would lay the table her own way , not the French way , and no one would reprove her for putting the forks and spoons face up .
5 We 've already talked of anxious horses , and how no one would have one for preference .
6 ‘ To look at me , no one would take me for the Miracle-Worker , ’ Gabriel persisted , and he grinned and rubbed his short head of hair which had barely grown long enough for a single curl .
7 No one would suspect her of killing Gebrec ? ’
8 I know that the problem is likely to recur once US forces pull out of the region but no one should lambast them for taking action now .
9 Thus when in 1304 Archbishop Corbridge of York admitted to a canonry a papal providee instead of a royal presentee , he was summoned for contempt and was told by the king 's judges that as the pope 's acts were not subject to the English courts , no one should prosecute anything at Rome or elsewhere to the detriment of crown rights and royal dignity .
10 Thus when Archbishop Corbridge preferred to obey the pope in a matter of patronage , he was told by the king 's judges that he was wrong to do so because the pope 's acts were not subject to the English courts , and that no one should prosecute anything at Rome or elsewhere contrary to crown rights and royal dignity .
11 No one should tumble her in an alley … nor in this Godforsaken brig .
12 We 'll start with that one because because no because no one should get nought on a question I think .
13 If there 's a mass exodus or we go down the drain , no one will admire you for decolonisation . ’
14 Mr Pozsgay 's popularity ensures that if he stands , no one will defeat him in the presidential election .
15 As one peasant put it to Yakovlev on a later occasion : No one will help you for cash , but everyone will for home-brew . ’
16 ‘ From now on , ’ the guard informed him , ‘ you will be confined to this room and no one will enter it for forty-eight hours .
17 It is all right to tell a whopper on an answering machine ( ‘ We 're sorry that we can not answer your call right now ’ is either a lie or a statement of the obvious ) , but no one will forgive you for not ‘ getting back ’ to him later .
18 I know that as certain as I know no one will ask me onto the floor tonight . ’
19 ‘ It must be awful being old and put away in a home because no one will have you at home and look after you . ’
20 In fact no one can do anything with him .
21 He may fail as a result of natural disasters but no one can blame him for that .
22 No one can achieve anything without the help of others and we are not talking about militancy , more the desire to support people in their quest to put Darlington to rights .
23 Robert Dalrymple says its relationships with most of its tenants are excellent but no one can deliver them from recession .
24 No one can accuse us of sitting still ! ’
25 No one can offer anything but unfounded speculation . ’
26 ‘ If I never play again , no one can rob me of the memory , ’ he says .
27 Finally , he swore and said she was a bad wife and if another woman of greater warmth came his way , no one could accuse him of adultery in taking her .
28 Whatever you thought of Hugh , no one could accuse him of running a ‘ tight ship ’ .
29 No one could accuse them of being dead to all delight .
30 Well , at least no one could accuse her of dressing provacatively — it was hardly an outfit that would knock anyone 's eyes out .
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