Example sentences of "more [adj] [noun] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So has the more advanced Introduction to Differential Topology by Th .
2 We shall transfer more state-owned businesses to independent ownership .
3 Some classifications of rural social groupings introduced in chapter 4 ( pp. 90–1 ) , particularly those by Pahl ( 1966 ) and Ambrose ( 1974 ) , have a more direct relevance to rural housing .
4 The even strength of his fingers and his robust eloquence ( James Huneker would never have found the Scherzo from the B minor Sonata ‘ as light as a harebell ’ after this ! ) and assurance are often awe-inspiring ; few young pianists have found a more direct path to musical truth , or heeded Jorge Bolet 's adage that speed is so often the enemy of excitement .
5 The more reliable contributions to this debate have been informed by the experience of the LFM pilot schools .
6 This is a much more imposing witness to that paladin 's strength of arm than the Pas de Roland near Itxassou .
7 May not Lenin have reacted in private in a way not so dissimilar from Stalin 's overt and more violent reaction to political opposition in Georgia in the same year ?
8 Advancing beyond the purely decorative rococo Gothic of William Kent [ q.v. ] , his designs reflected both the beginnings of a more scholarly approach to Gothic detail and the sentimental appeal of medieval buildings .
9 Now he proclaimed that inflation was a much more serious threat to national wellbeing than unemployment , which anyway was a greatly overestimated danger , and that what was needed was a much tighter control of the money supply and the budget deficit .
10 A more serious objection to Freudian theory is its supposed irrefutability .
11 A second and more serious objection to this definition concerns the impossibility of completeness in another direction .
12 The explanation of the inequality in the wages of women and men is closely related to the explanation of women 's more restricted access to paid employment compared with that of men .
13 A more structured approach to one-to-one teaching occurs when someone , for example the clinical teacher , arranges to work with a learner on a specific day .
14 Here , the wind will be having the most effect , blowing the cooler and more comfortable water to that side .
15 During the late 1970s and early 1980s several innovative and more sophisticated approaches to smoking education in schools were developed and evaluated .
16 Geary explains the return to tactical violence in the 1 980s partly in terms of the police 's tougher and more sophisticated approach to public disorder induced by the inner-city disturbances of 1981 , though he attributes much of the unusually high level of violence in the miners ' strike to certain exceptional characteristics of the dispute :
17 Love says that most women 's reason for seeing her — apart from those who come on ethnic or religious grounds — is that they are more relaxed talking to another woman .
18 The ATB therefore needed to look at its promotion and , if possible , find a more effective alternative to printed material .
19 Over the next ten years , the journal recorded an ongoing debate between old-style moralists and younger , often newly professionalized women , who held a more rationalist approach to moral reform .
20 This means they must actively encourage a more selective approach to custodial remand and sentencing .
21 ( 2 ) The denial that there is some one and the same quality of pleasantness and another of painfulness which mark all those experiences which it is desirable to promote or prevent is a more forceful objection to Benthamite utilitarianism .
22 If he needs a more imaginative approach to biblical meditation , show him the Ignatian method .
23 Far more cool , calm and level-headed than his 22 years should allow , he is one of the new breed : intent on restoring a live , funkier and altogether more sincere approach to modern dance music .
24 The new Soviet leaders decided not on a more bellicose response to German rearmament , but on an attempt to steal the limelight from NATO 's success .
25 In the meantime , the Government should adopt a far more dynamic approach to fiscal policy .
26 Consequently modern elite theory bifurcates between an account which follows the democratic elitist line initiated by Weber and a radical elite theory account which adopts a much more critical approach to administrative power .
27 The more general applicability to sociolinguistic analysis of a method which is sensitive both to the phonetically complex and linguistically constrained character of variation is illustrated in tables 6.9 and 6.10 .
28 This attitude to [ h ] -dropping is , of course , symptomatic of a more general attitude to non-standard English , and it can be seen as an effect of the ‘ standard ideology ’ .
29 A high incidence of sexual abuse has been identified in anorexia nervosa ; however , recent research has suggested that this may reflect a more general vulnerability to psychiatric illness .
30 And 10 American companies recently took advantage of a more lenient approach to anti-trust policy in the US to form a jointly run Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation .
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