Example sentences of "than [vb pp] for [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The insects are only an annoyance on the rare days when there is n't a breeze blowing , and are more than compensated for by the wealth of bird life in the area And it is not only birds .
2 An outcome such as 4 raises A's utility to and B's to Intuitively , what is happening is that A 's loss of utility from the reduction of her own income is being more than compensated for by the knowledge that B 's income is also falling .
3 Hence the loss of areas 3 + 5 to the UK is more than compensated for by the remittance of profits from Germany , as area 10 is greater than areas 3 + 5 .
4 Any disappointment he may feel over the delay has been more than compensated for by the news that tickets for this year 's event are already selling fast .
5 Some tone did go , but this was more than compensated for by the Power Tool 's onboard EQ .
6 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
7 But the inward drift slows slightly as the extra dissipative losses are more than compensated for by the energy and angular momentum which the bar pumps in at this point — recall that the bar is here going around faster than the gas , so it has a tendency to spin the gas up as well as a tendency to cause it to radiate vigorously .
8 As the black hole loses mass , the area of its event horizon gets smaller , but this decrease in the entropy of the black hole is more than compensated for by the entropy of the emitted radiation , so the second law is never violated .
9 While it is a premium to the market , it should be more than accounted for by the property .
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