Example sentences of "than [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
2 I went reinforced too by all I had been doing for myself and with the knowledge that I felt better than I had felt for some time and that that growth towards well being appeared to be increasing with each day .
3 And yet , when I came to know my associates , a far greater intimacy and sense of comradeship developed than I had known with any but my closest friends at school or university .
4 I have stuck with Esquire longer than I have stuck with any other men 's magazine and I feel that the magazine is now getting very close to achieving the ideal balance of content and format .
5 She said it had prompted more real conversation between them than she had achieved in all their previous encounters .
6 Eventually the experience might have to be repeated , in her own defence , but she could not hope to find much more in it than she had found in this first venture .
7 By week 4 , you should be feeling quite well , perhaps better than you have felt for some time and , with any luck , you will be a good deal nearer to your target weight .
8 You have unspend , you have spent , and you actually spent more than we 've got in some instances .
9 President Michael Ainslie noted ‘ a greater level of consignment activity than we have seen for some time .
10 It will be a very low level of inflation , lower than we have known at any time in recent years , and steady sustainable growth leading to secure jobs , sustaining the Conservative party in government for many years .
11 The Conservative Party won only 42.9 per cent of the popular vote , less than they had achieved in any election between 1945 and 1979 , and did badly in Scotland and much of northern England .
12 NEIL Kinnock and the party he leads are looking better than they have done at any time since he took office in 1983 .
13 Evans flushed and looked far more embarrassed than he had done at any stage so far .
14 He went home feeling better than he had done for some time but he died suddenly during sleep 3 days later , presumably from a breakthrough cardiac arrythmia .
15 The man claimed to have learnt self-control , temperance , and forbearance from his observations , and to have ‘ profited more to rule his passions in the rest of his life , than he had done by any thing that he had heard , or read before ’ .
16 Alex Macdonald , the hard-nosed manager of Airdrie , refused to apologise for his team 's performance in a midweek match against Hibs in Edinburgh any more than he had done after that bewildering semi-final against Hearts at Hampden .
17 Progressing slowly , seeming older by years than he had seemed on this beach the day before , more bent and huddled , the Commander shook his head in time to the steps he took .
18 The win was worth £58,830 , or considerably more than he had won in any of his previous 10 seasons on the European Tour .
19 But having travelled thousands of miles in the last three weeks , he experienced a rougher ride on his own doorstep than he had encountered in many a photo opportunity en route .
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