Example sentences of "than [verb] it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Instead of putting it in the power of the creditor to prevent his debtor from obtaining his liberty on giving up his all , it vested the right of a negative in the judges in open court , where it was more just to place it than to allow it to remain in the power of the creditor who , from motives of resentment , was less likely to decide impartially in his own cause .
2 Amdahl Corp believes that its Huron applications development and production system is a winner , and rather than leave it stranded on the mainframe under MVS , it is taking it along in the direction the market is moving with two new versions , one that runs under its UTS implementation of Unix System V on its mainframes , the other for Unix workstations , the first version of the latter being for 80486-based machines under Unix .
3 Nothing could be more enslaving and therefore less worthy of the human mind than to have it chained to the mechanics of the patterns of the language rather than free to dwell on the message conveyed through the language .
4 Little considerations such as replacing a magazine in the rack rather than leaving it lying on the couch , bringing the milk in off the step or refilling the ice cube tray , and a thousand little tailor-made considerations .
5 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
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