Example sentences of "more [conj] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They took to the path with gusto , he finding the line somewhere between the nearside bank and the middle ridge , while the other more or less followed in the wake , content to orchestrate himself around the camera with his umbrella .
2 Cut the salmon into thinnish steaks , arrange them in one layer in a well-buttered baking dish , sprinkle them with salt and seasonings , add about I oz. of fresh butter , cut in pieces , for every pound of salmon , cover the dish with buttered paper and a lid , and put to cook in the centre of a moderately heated oven , gas no. 3 , 330 F. In 45 to 50 minutes — a little more or less according to the thickness of the steaks — the salmon will be cooked .
3 The remainder , together with the open arable field , he divided into small squarish fields of eight to twelve acres each ( sometimes more or less according to the convenience of the farmers ) and parcelled out as farms among his tenants .
4 By chance the introduction of better rigging more or less coincided with the gold discoveries in California .
5 All of these were more or less subsumed under the rubric of the developed ( advanced industrial ) societies and the developing ( usually a euphemism for undeveloped or , more radically , underdeveloped ) societies .
6 I did more or less ignore on the tube journey and the walk to the choir that evening , I mean
7 Economists , for example , often work with theories which stipulate that human economic behaviour is motivated by rationality , more or less conceived as the maximisation of means to ends .
8 The average price at which shares sell during this period is somewhere in the neighbourhood of $55 ( more or less depending on the shape of the time-price curve ) .
9 ‘ We come to what we more or less knew in the first place .
10 The era of the great train-shed more or less ended with the Great War .
11 The antero-posterior axis of the frog egg more or less corresponds to the animal-vegetal axis .
12 This approach more than adequately disposes of the particular point at issue in the Pickin case but does not , as is hardly surprising , answer a number of questions which were not asked :
13 He 's done more than just survive in the 31 years since he lost his legs .
14 Coming back to England from one of these school-holiday visits to Hungary , Jane was more than ever struck by the contrast .
15 Melissa was becoming more and more irritated at the constant references to Bonard .
16 So it 's going to be more and more moving into the real area as opposed to our fantasies about what the world 's like at this particular moment .
17 As the surface of the water advances towards you the colours of the sky will be more and more affected by the colour of the water itself , until finally below you will be a dark combination of the overhead sky and the rich liquid into which you are looking .
18 Council housing is becoming more and more marginalised as the better off tenants move out and higher rents encourage others to exercise their right to buy .
19 There , troubled by the poverty of the peasants and his own involuntary role as a supporter of the imperial system , he became , he wrote , ‘ more and more engrossed with the single poetic theme of Life and Death ’ .
20 Hallin managed to alleviate some of the problems with Red Rhino , and as the band found themselves more and more entangled in the music industry , he became a king of protective figure for them , a buffer against the business world .
21 ‘ The problems came when I started to find myself more and more entrenched in the business side of things , and unable to actually design stuff like before .
22 The calculation of rateable values has become , therefore , more and more removed from the base upon which it is supposed to rest .
23 It was more and more focused on the internal biochemistry of the individual , as against the older and simpler individual/environment equation .
24 As the weeks and months went by and the war seemed turning in favour of the Allies , I became more and more attached to the Semmens household , even to the point of getting to know some of the family friends such as Mrs Helen Margo and her sister , who owned and managed a shop of Oriental goods on Howe Street .
25 Even in Oxford , one of the region 's most cycle friendly cities , cyclists are getting more and more frustrated with the dangers posed by traffic and pollution .
26 This differentiation became more and more marked in the music of his later Minato operas : Xerse ( 1654 ) , L'Artemisia ( 1656 ) , and the rest .
27 The Coalition government under Lloyd George became more and more constrained by the demands of Conservative retrenchment .
28 The soldiers had four camels , but were hopelessly incompetent at loading them and I had got more and more exasperated at the delay .
29 Breeding in captivity followed and the progeny progressively became more and more reconciled to the life that ferrets have today .
30 Women themselves are more and more socialized into the male interpretation of these female blood mysteries .
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