Example sentences of "more [adj] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More revealing perhaps is the number of horses he ran during those two winters .
2 More confusing still are the practices of the agencies themselves .
3 More amazing still are the skills of those animals which can travel vast distances guided by scent , without even laying a trail .
4 More serious still were the questions raised by the emergence of what would later be termed ‘ higher criticism ’ .
5 More sinister however is the skin 's memory for remembering sunburn .
6 More important probably was the guilt induced by the constant strictures , which made the struggle against one 's wicked urges a constant and exhausting effort of will .
7 More persuasive perhaps is the quotation from the EEC 's Green Paper Employment Participation and Company Structure , to the effect that ‘ the pursuit of goals other than economic growth , such as the improvement of the quality of life and working conditions , the protection of the environment and the interests of the consumer … can probably be secured only by the existence of decision-making processes in enterprises which have a broader , more democratic base than such processes often have at present . ’
8 More impressive yet is the fact that upright basses would present little problem to the 715 as its voicing filter can be moved to any desired ‘ notch ’ between 120 and 800 Hz , assisting with the elimination of intrusive resonant frequencies which would promote feedback .
9 The sun was up , the skies were blue and the water looked inviting , Even more appealing however was the pontoon with nine Beneteau 35 yachts moored and ready for their crews of novice sailors .
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