Example sentences of "more [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , even though the concept of NAIRU was considerably more palatable to mainstream macroeconomists than the Friedman natural unemployment rate , it hit up against formidable practical problems .
2 The qualifications necessary to enable a person to stand in a local electionaire more extensive in some instances and more restrictive in others than those which enable a person to vote .
3 Fears about the economy also made some employers and politicians , as we shall see , a little more receptive to economic theories and proposals which promised to diminish the ill-effects of the swings of the trade cycle .
4 Steaming softens and opens the pores so that the skin is more receptive to other products and ingredients .
5 It was brutally exploited , profoundly alienated , capable of striking heavy blows against employers and government alike , and infinitely more receptive to socialist ideas than the peasantry had been .
6 In summary , these are : i ) low-income countries will not lose so much in the way of earnings if their population is damaged by pollution , since wages are so low anyway ; ii ) under-populated countries in regions such as Africa are effectively " under-polluted " compared to urbanized areas such as Los Angeles or Mexico City — ideally , there should be a " world-welfare-enhancing trade in air pollution and waste " ; and iii ) environmental concern , on health and aesthetic grounds , is much more acute in high-income countries than in the third world , where direct alleviation of poverty is seen as more pressing .
7 This lessens professional isolation and becomes more possible with better roads and private transport .
8 The economic recession of the late 1970s has meant not only that government funds have become even more scarce for such policies but also that government and public concern has shifted away from issues of inequality to concentrate on the problems of productivity and economic growth .
9 Fresh cheeses have become much more popular in recent years and cows ' and goats ' milk varieties are now available in most good supermarkets .
10 In fact they are no more adequate for primitive societies than they would have been for any others .
11 Instead , their poetry , prose and verse is full of pictures. , He proved much more responsive to Welsh songs and music and , as Gwili 's elder sister sang for him and showed a strong interest in him , he assures Helen that he is ‘ a very harmless fool ’ and that his known views on promiscuity and marriage have not changed .
12 An electric fan will cool the engine but a thermostatically controlled switch A mechanical fan is more reliable for long slogs as it can move more cooling air
13 It means that — aside from service revenues — DG is now more dependent on open systems than proprietary business .
14 Farm workers find themselves more dependent upon tied cottages and both farm workers and the non-agricultural locals join the queue for council housing .
15 These data demonstrate that in Turkey HEV is more prevalent in warmer regions and in adults , beginning in the third decade of life .
16 The perception that the ills of society are relatively more prevalent in some areas than others has innocent and fairly obvious origins …
17 Not only does it normally require an exceptionally large financial injection , but the rules of company law are considerably more demanding for public companies than for private ones or partnerships .
18 Women in second marriages are more likely to have had an affair than those in their first , and women who work full-time are , it seems , more prone to extra-curricular passions than either part-time workers or housewives .
19 Some suspect that the availability of welfare benefits , more generous to single mothers than married ones , may be an incentive .
20 Will he further discuss whether it would be better to argue for Edinburgh as a location for the bank — a location much more acceptable to other Europeans than London , which the Labour and Tory Front-Bench teams have argued for ?
21 A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture has shown that farmers in environmentally sensitive areas ( ESAs ) have become more interested in environmental issues since their introduction .
22 Seemingly more interested in spoiling tactics than news values , The Sun gave the supposed transcript of an alleged row between Prince Charles and his estranged wife far more prominence than it deserved .
23 " We still like to take fuchsia cuttings but we are now more interested in small trees and shrubs , and most recently , in water and marginal plants " , explains Barbara , whose interest really began when her grandfather gave them his greenhouse when he was too ill to look after it .
24 Thus , while in Chapter 2 we were interested in exploring the theories of stratification and the evidence for class and related inequalities , here we are more interested in those processes that bring this class structure alive , what we call the dynamics of class .
25 Additionally , his father 's side of the family were very enthusiastic adherents of the British Empire and in addition to their being ( as Leonard preferred to call them ) ‘ gentlemen of Hebrew persuasion , ’ they were perhaps more British in some respects than the British themselves , recalling what Hugh MacLennan said in his superb novel of the period , The Two Solitudes : ‘ The French are Frencher than France and the English are more British than England ever dared to be . ’
26 After the completion of the Ring cycle , the Berlin orchestra now able to compete in territory that was once the special preserve of its Viennese cousin , Karajan both consolidated and extended the repertory during the 1970s , the music-making continuing to intensify both tonally , and emotionally as Karajan became older and more and more subject to personal trials and privations .
27 ‘ Maybe women are more subject to hormonal changes than men .
28 More indicative of future trends than this rising from within the officer corps were the activities of the Petrashevtsy in the 1840s .
29 Work of the kind published in the Review of English Studies ( henceforth Review ) is more indicative of inter-war activities and attitudes than are the policies of the English Association , or indeed the Scrutiny movement .
30 It was argued that the political benefits of expenditure are more visible to elected representatives than the political costs of taxation .
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