Example sentences of "more [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When working wet-in-wet I found the rounds especially useful for adding in detailed lines by carefully dragging the brush quickly across the painting , and for fusing lines by dragging the wet colour more slowly through the painting surface .
2 In practice , by 1975 , the resistance to this approach proved so great that settlement was the real objective , with the justification that farming families could be supported in every way — agriculturally , medically and educationally — much more effectively on a group basis .
3 Both of these goals can be achieved more effectively without an evaluation charade .
4 Incomes policy had been applied more rigorously in the state sector there too , and the winter of 1969–70 saw the novel spectacle of group after group of public sector workers rejecting settlements negotiated by their leaderships .
5 It is heartening to see the Precautionary Principle being applied to potential risk situations , even though it is not applied more widely throughout the PPG Note .
6 So far Japanese management expertise seems to have been transferred more successfully into the manufacturing sector than into financial services .
7 Although many women have the confidence to wear softer clothes rather than masculine suits in order to be taken seriously , the wider choice can bring confusion about exactly what to wear , not only at the office but more importantly at a job interview .
8 Although many women have the confidence to wear softer clothes rather than masculine suits in order to be taken seriously , the wider choice can bring confusion about exactly what to wear , not only at the office but more importantly at a job interview .
9 qualified reports should be followed up more swiftly by the Law Society ;
10 This flexibility allows the exporter to let the option lapse if the order falls through or if exchange rate movements allow him to deal more advantageously on the spot market .
11 I have used this service for selling , although more so on the buying side , having been tempted on numerous occasions !
12 and he 's encouraged us to put an application in to do more , more so with the training side of things
13 It is all the more so in the housing market because of its highly geared nature .
14 By giving staff flexibility to attend to private matters more easily during the working week , it raises their levels of motivation and morale , thus producing lower levels of absenteeism .
15 The research design distinguishes between teachers ' perceptions of their formal obligations and constraints , both within the institution and more broadly within the education system , their self-imposed ‘ moral ’ responsibility and the extent to which they feel free to make their own decisions as autonomous professionals .
16 IBM Corp last week took its first step towards saving the AS/400 from going the way of the mainframe when it accompanied the new F models with a string of software offerings and initiatives designed to make the machine sit more comfortably as a database server in an open systems environment .
17 I want to look much more generally at the supply side , at the provision of capital .
18 The Soviet Union , under Gorbachev , broadened its relations more generally with the world community with Latin American states apart from Cuba , with the Vatican , with Israel , and even with South Africa .
19 What Butler says of this account — namely that it ‘ tells us more about the fantasies that a fearful heterosexual culture produces to defend against its own homosexual possibilities , than about lesbian experience itself ’ ( Gender Trouble , 86 — 7 ) — might also be said more generally of the way homosexuality is conceptualized in sexual difference theory .
20 It would also detract from the open aspect of the field and more generally from the landscape character of the areas .
21 For some time now , the SARA Executive has been seeking input more generally from the rowing population for the updating of its Development Plan , but what might have been a good idea to achieve this seems set for a less than successful conclusion .
22 It is known more usually under the name Gill-maggot , because of the length and shape of the female 's egg-sacs which look like miniature white maggots when viewed via the naked eye .
23 Alternatively , p53 may interact more directly with the repair machinery , perhaps increasing its fidelity but delaying repair so that lesion-induced apoptotic signals are sustained .
24 Ought they to be forced to borrow more directly in the capital market , so that their credit worthiness can be assessed in the market and an appropriate interest rate be charged ?
25 It was also decided to involve the VHWs more directly in the health centre .
26 There was dissatisfaction because of inadequate consultation between Washington and London and discontent at the American inability to move more decisively towards a peace settlement .
27 ‘ Hawk ’ is often used as a general term for smaller birds of prey , as well as more strictly for the genus Accipiter .
28 The budgetary process focuses more clearly on the resource allocation process with more thorough scrutiny of existing commitments .
29 The lesson to be drawn is that the impact of debt depends on the other instruments open to the government , a point that is brought out even more clearly in the life-cycle model .
30 Horizontal equity is met more nearly by a wealth tax than by a higher income tax rate on unearned income ( income from property ) or than on income from work .
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