Example sentences of "time and [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ban was imposed by Minister of Home Affairs William Craig after the Apprentice Boys of Derry had announced a procession at the same time and over the same route as the civil rights march .
2 Several other firms emerged at the same time and by the same process , such as Lamalie Associates in 1967 from Booz , Allen & Hamilton , and Ward Howell and Canny Bowen , in 1951 and 1954 respectively , from McKinsey .
3 It can only be confusing to a pupil if features of dialect are ‘ corrected ’ at the same time and in the same way as , for example , spelling errors .
4 mass forms of musical practice which are based on the musical activity of many people interacting at the same time and in the same way — forms which structure bodily movements and processes , and which enable bodily experience to become an aesthetically mediated pleasure ( ibid : 228 ) .
5 refusing the help of family members and others who prepare " special " meals but having the same meals at the same time and in the same place as everyone else .
6 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
7 This idea has long since fallen out of favour ; it is much more likely that the two components of a pair were born at the same time and in the same region of space , from the same cloud of dust and gas .
8 It is a choice that is fully there for us to make at the same time and in the same fashion as other countries , except that we have the additional option of deciding that it would not be right for this country .
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