Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 No man has any reason to say that any two states belong to the same self unless he has a reason to believe them to be caused by the same body .
2 In the second place , even those people who have heard of the doctrine , and who accept it , do not , in far the greater number of cases , base their judgements that two states belong to the same self on a previous conviction that they are caused by the same body .
3 At least two reasons account for the latter .
4 According to this view , interbreeding is at the same time the criterion of whether two forms belong to the same species ( e.g. the dark and pale forms of the arctic skua interbreed freely , so they belong to the same species ) , and also the reason why organisms in nature do fall into discrete categories , with few intermediates .
5 In class structure grammar ( see under grammar ) , most clauses have only one subject , but there are occasions where two subjects occur in the same clause .
6 Protagoras found gender assignation in Greek inconsistent and illogical — for example , there were cases when two words referring to the same thing had different genders — and he went so far as to advocate reform ( he was ridiculed for this by Aristophanes , and the attempt was unsuccessful ) .
7 The only way , in those circumstances , that relief might be obtained is to press the inspector of taxes to assess the vendor company under Sch A. But would that be self-defeating within two companies controlled by the same individual ?
8 The BBC , who did not wish to go live , will take recorded highlights , the two companies agreeing on the same commentators .
9 He noted , in his journal in October 1919 , that there had been an increase of 37 vagrants attending the institution as ‘ casuals ’ in the previous two weeks compared with the same period the previous year ; six of them were discharged soldiers .
10 In a dream a tall thin priest informed him that the two pieces came from the same votive cylinder and had been cut in two to make earrings for a statue of the god Ninib .
11 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
12 In other words , we can make two pointers reference the same variable , or we can test whether or not two pointers point to the same variable .
13 Two lawnmowers going at the same time the neighbours must be annoyed .
14 Thirdly , material similarity , a relation referring to the degree to which two strings consist of the same characters .
15 Secondly , ordinal similarity , a relation referring to the degree in which characters in two strings occur in the same order .
16 When electrical currents flow they produce magnetic fields and so it is possible that these two therapies amount to the same thing .
17 Let us determine now the mutual inductance between two coils wound on the same magnetic core ( Fig. 4.7(b) ) .
18 Would there be two bodies operating in the same field ?
19 Then , thinking of her own mother , she wondered how two sisters born of the same parents could be so different .
20 JB : It seemed natural that two painters working in the same vicinity with the same painting outlooks should share a studio which we 've been doing now for , how long ?
21 The reason the two items appeared on the same day is your Editor 's responsibility .
22 Two wyverns fell on the same night and after the Emperor 's death the aerial attacks gradually subsided and the siege settled down into a protracted stalemate .
23 We focused on the two newspapers owned by the same person , Rupert Murdoch , and which included the most rape reports — thirty-two in the Sun and seventy-two in the News of the World in which not one rape case in 1978 was covered by both newspapers .
24 The general run of shoppers would not believe that the two girls came from the same family .
25 Like the case , some years ago , when two men died in the same way from similar stab wounds on the same day in the same street .
26 Two attributes come from the same domain of Political Parties .
27 Since visual field asymmetry and dichotic ear differences have both been claimed as indices of the same phenomenon — cerebral lateralisation of language — these two measures derived from the same set of subjects ought to correlate with each other .
28 To see what is at stake here , we can juxtapose this question with two others directed at the same problem .
29 ABA so that the calculation is correct and no two letters stand for the same digit .
30 In this calculation , I assumed that if two women worked in the same office and had the same surname ( provided it was not a very common one ) but different Christian names , then they were sisters .
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