Example sentences of "two [noun] who [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Israel is thrilled at the pace of absorption , and accuses the Arab world of manufacturing false conflict and fear ; a conflict that is whipping up greater hostility among two peoples who claim the same land .
2 The earl of Huntingdon 's household , in 1564 , included two yeomen who received the same wages as gentlemen , i.e. 26s. 8d. per annum , and twenty-two more at £1 .
3 The outcomes of the decisions of the individual are stochastic , so that two individuals who have the same opportunity set and the same tastes , and thus make the same decisions , may still have different incomes .
4 Two people who speak the same language can always work towards an understanding about what each of them is talking about and what each of them wishes to achieve by what they say .
5 Second , the union of two people who have the same biological sex , but one of whom is an operated transsexual with a female gender identity should be recognized as a marriage .
6 Apart from finding globules of mercury in people 's shoes , a contemporary commentator , and opponent of this form of treatment , describes two men who used the same tavern regularly and both having supped from their little bottles of mercury would smoke a pipe and down some wine .
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