Example sentences of "two [noun] of the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the murder of the human rights lawyer , Griffiths Mxenge , in 1981 , the report noted that Nofomela 's statements were substantially corroborated by those of two co-members of the same unit , Captain Dirk Coetzee and Mr David Tshikalanga .
2 So as a small token of appreciation , I just have two books or two copies of the same book which I would like to hand to your president and to your general secretary as a token of appreciation and it 's the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela of whom we are all very proud , considering what he has suffered through and what he has done and we hope that this little token will be a kind of memento for all your support but by doing this I 'm not saying that your support is over because the struggle continues .
3 You may work out that the two holes have to be of a suitable size for an individual ( ? ) to put two fingers in , possibly near enough to each other to put two fingers of the same hand in , and , having established this scale , it seems likely that the object referred to as the finger stop is only centimetres removed , rather than kilometres removed .
4 None of these requirements applies to an equitable assignment , but priority as between two assignees of the same debt depends on priority of notice to the debtor , and for this purpose an unwritten notice is unavailing .
5 Significant differences were found within each hemisphere for the two forms of the same word but an overall greater magnitude of response was recorded over the left hemisphere .
6 ( Alternatively we could distinguish between two forms of justification , justification before the event and justification after it , and run the tripartite definition in terms of the former ; but then the question would be whether these really are two forms of the same thing . )
7 Receiving two images of the same area allows greater detail to be picked out and improves sensitivity when the light is poor .
8 The same procedures ( locating ground control points , computing a map-to-image and image-to-map transform , and resampling to generate a corrected output image ) can be used to register or overlay two images of the same area taken at different dates .
9 Property dualism holds that the perception and the neural events which are its physical basis are simply different aspects , properties or attributes of the same ( physical ) events : what the physiologist observes on examining the brain and what the owner of the examined brain feels are two aspects of the same event .
10 It seems that the Tories did rather well in the general election by portraying devolu-tion and independence as being two heads of the same monster .
11 Unfortunately it does n't work like that — you know that two cars of the same make will drive in more or less the same way , but two horses of the same size , shape and age can be totally different .
12 That rule prohibits solicitors practising in partnership or " in association " ( where two or more firms have at least one common principal ) from representing : ( 1 ) both seller and buyer in a transfer of land for value at arm 's length ; or ( 2 ) both lessor and lessee on the grant of a lease for value at arm 's length ; or ( 3 ) both lender and borrower in a private mortgage at arm 's length with exceptions made only in the case of : ( 1 ) small transactions ; ( 2 ) where the parties are connected with each other ( commercially or personally ) ; ( 3 ) where there is no other solicitor or licensed conveyancer in the vicinity whom either party might reasonably instruct ; ( 4 ) where two associated firms or two offices of the same firm acting for the parties are in different locations , neither firm having received instructions to act on referral from the other and the matter is dealt with or supervised by a different solicitor at each firm or office and , where the solicitor is not involved in the negotiations , where no conflict of interest arises and where neither vendor nor lessor is a builder or developer .
13 When two blocks of the same polymer are brought together and held at a temperature just above the T g for a time t , interdiffusion of the chains takes place from each block across the interface ( see figure 12.6 ) thereby joining the blocks together .
14 Compensating errors — Two errors of the same amount , one on each side of the ledger .
15 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
16 Indeed , the comparative analysis of two versions of the same text may be undertaken from a number of linguistic perspectives ; it has been the concern of this article to suggest but two of this range of possible models .
17 These are two versions of the same garment , the Tramontana being an over-the-head style with a half zip , and the Chinook being a full-zip jacket .
18 Thus two individuals of different species from the same place look more alike than two individuals of the same species from different places .
19 If you can not tell them apart , would two fish of the same sex fight ?
20 Each tape was made up in a random order with the constraint that no two junctions of the same type should appear in consecutive positions within any block .
21 Granted , hypothetically , that it may be a flexible legal concept , it nonetheless is of a nature which does not extend to the union of two people of the same sex .
22 ‘ In the US , 78 per cent of Catholics believe in the ordination of women while 48 per cent approve of blessing the union of two people of the same sex .
23 And I 've always thought of marriage as a sort of young adventure , two people of the same age setting out together , discovering together , growing together .
24 He argued that two bodies of the same material but different weights would fall at different speeds .
25 You might say they are two levels of the same thing , like the high and low churches of Christianity . ’
26 You can cheer up an expanse of plain flooring by setting in borders and designs which can look very handsome , or make two-tone squares : black and white ; brown and white ; brown and cream ; or two shades of the same colour , like two blues or two greens .
27 A similar way of life was followed by the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Sayan mountains known by two variants of the same clan name as Tuva and Tubalar ( or Tofalar ) .
28 These two variants of the same words , one by Mark and the other by Luke , are very important for Christians today .
29 Players with the same name on either side is comparatively common , especially in domestic cricket where two members of the same family may play for different teams , but two players on each side sharing surnames in a Test is one of those statistics whose arrival is well overdue .
30 It is necessary to add another attribute or replace ‘ year ’ by ‘ election date ’ to make each tuple unique ( there will not be two elections of the same type on the same day ) .
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